Thursday, September 29, 2016


September 28: Tomorrow is my birthday and I thank my mother for giving birth to me. I owed her my life. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't her. Thank you and I love you!

To those who did and do remember my birthday, I am thanking you all for greeting me a Happy Birthday even though today is not my birthday yet. Thank you!

To the person who sent me the gift, I want to say thank you for the effort and for spending money just to surprise me. Before I met  you, I have never in my life received any flowers or gifts. This is already the second time I get flowers from you. Thank you, you did surprised me! I never expect anything. Blessed you! And happy birthday to me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Washing day

Today is just a regular morning here in the Philippines. It is sunny, best thing to dry clothes. But the only problem is that the water doesn't flow enough to wash my dirty clothes. I have a lot of dirty clothes to wash, I should have washed them last night, but I was too tired and sleepy after I get home from school. Wrong move. Water only flows really fast at night. That's the problem here. Now I have to wait until night time. But since I'm going home, I am thinking of taking my dirty clothes with me to Samar and wash it there. But I don't like to carry heavy stuff with me back and forth when going home, and my dirty clothes are heavy.

This dirty clothes problem is turning me down. I feel like I have all the problem in the world, even though I know it is only a tiny problem. Whenever I get my laundry done, it feels like I solved a huge problem. It has been just a few days since I did my laundry, and now I have a bunch of dirty clothes again. Next time I have to stop changing clothes so often. That's how I get bunch of dirty clothes. I'm not lazy when it comes to doing my laundry it is just that I hate it when it becomes many. It ruins my day! :D

Monday, September 26, 2016

RIP Lola

She's gone, the time I left for Tacloban, that's the day when her life ended. She's gone and I just found out. Rest in peace, my beloved lola. You're always a kind hearted person and I know that you're in good hands now. You raised me, even though you are not be my biological grandmother. In my heart, your are like a real grandma to me. We'll miss you lola. I think god have made the right decision for you to go, to relieve your pain. In hospital, you may not be moving but we felt how you felt. It was hard for us to see you laying down and looking so lifeless. I hope you're happy now wherever you are, my lola. Because, somehow we're happy you made it to this age.

You're more happy now, all of your daughters are around, you've been longing for them for so long. Your wish has been granted, and now they are around. We will miss you!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Free sundays

It is Sunday, and everybody have their days off. Many are enjoying their weekends with their family, meeting friends, socializing with other people. That's what most of us do every weekend. But there are people also who do work even on weekends. Some must do it because they need the money, and others are just workaholics that barely socialize, because they value time and money rather than anything. That's what rich people do, always busy.

I think being able to get off from work and spend quality time with family, relatives, and close friends is a opportunity we always need once in a while. If you have work, it is good, but working every single day even on Sunday may be too much. It affects your health and your environment. Everybody needs a break once in a while. Some C.E.O.s of big companies work all week around. They are always busy making money, monitoring their business, preparing big decisions. It is good for them though, it makes them more powerful, and it helps them get to the top. That's how they become millionaires and billionaires. But it affects family, children, spouses. Time with children is very valuable. I would always prefer time with my family, even though I won't become a millionaire.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Loosing a family member

Imagining you're about to lose someone dear to your heart anytime soon, it is really hard, but all you can do is keep looking at that person, while tears are falling down on your face. That's the only thing that you can do. Thinking of her presence when she was still moving, doing things, cleaning, flowering plants, etc. That's what she loves doing, and when you tried to stop her, she would just tell you to let her do what she loves to do, because she does not want being stuck in one place doing nothing. And the most things that you'll going to miss is her laugh, and her advice all of the time.

The most heartbreaking moment when you remember her prayers every evening going to bed. You heard her pay every single night about a lot of things, and that she never forget to pray to God about her life, praying God gives her a longer life. But I think God didn't granted her wish. I'm sorry!

Friday, September 23, 2016

College presentation

I thought I am not able to give my presentation in college tonight. I thought already about skipping the class, as I was not ready and nervous at the same time. But glad I did attend the class, because otherwise I would have failed my pre-final exam in Computer Fundamentals. This proves one thing: trying will not kill, do not be scared to try something. If  others can do something better, assumes you can do it also. You are capable of doing things just like what others can do.

Sometimes the problem with me is that I think others can do things better than myself. I am always a bit scared to hear the opinion of others. When I have the courage to face things then I usually don't have a problem about it anymore.

We're all equal in everyway. From rich to average people, but many of us don't know it. We're losing confidence when it comes to facing people. Being confident helps us overcome a lot of things, it helps us to become a better person in the future. We don't have too think of what are other's opinion about us. We can do our own thing, and prove the badsayers wrong.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blahblah blubber blubber on facebook

Some people nowadays speak out quickly without knowing the truth first. The problem with us: sometimes we think what we see in Facebook is real. We believe the first impression, and sometimes we don't read the caption or the details. That's the problem to most of us, we misunderstood things and we don't know in the end whether it is going cost us trouble. We better should keep silent as long as we know nothing, we should never guess when we have no facts, and we should not react immediately if we aren't sure what is really the stories behind Facebook posts or statuses.

Just as example, you live far far away from your relatives and you'll see a post about their loved ones on facebook. You know that person, and the post makes you sad. But is that necessary for you to post something you aren't really sure of? It's a quick move on facebook, but it is too quick, you should better think first. Because what you write may be wrong, if you don't know the facts. But people will read it on facebook, and will think it is right. And everybody makes their own story, post it again, and each time it gets a bit further from the truth until at the end, there are only crazy fary tales on facebook, but nothing real. And the family of the person you made stories up for will be hurt.

When you see a news on facebook that concerns your family, then first call your family. Verify what you read is real. Don't believe your first impression! Once you know the facts, then maybe you can post your thoughts on facebook, but not before. If you don't do this, then facebook becomes a book of meaningless blahblah and blubber blubber ... text without meaning.

iPhone craziness

Alright, it is September, for sure millions or even billions of people are waiting for the release of the new iPhone this year. Every year, there are at least two iPhones released. An iPhone costs so much money and is only going to be last for a year, until crazy people buy the next one, since they always want the newest. When Apple releases a new model, the previous iPhone model will be nothing worth anymore compared to the new ones.

All this is ok for rich people who can afford it. They do not care how much money they can spend for upgrading their phones. But there are also people who aren't rich but always upgrade their phones. They are most often not even using their phone, at least not the full power of the phone. It is a status symbol for them, as they feel richer as they really are. And they love that.

Is it necessary to change your phone every year? Look what you do with the phone: a few phone calls, a little bit phone text, maybe 2-3 apps, that's it. I don't think changing the phone every year is necessary, if your previous phone is still in good condition. Why not use the amount of the money that you're going to spend on the new iPhone in a small business? It is better than wasting money every year on a new iPhone.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Why is that some countries are favor of Rodrigo Duterte's regulation while other countries condem the situation in the Philippines? Some countries are impressed by his bravery to rule the country with strict decisions. Others see only some negative events that are exaggerated in some international press.

I am proud of Duterte and even if I disliked the killings against drugs, I still can see that in just couple of months he has done things that nobody would have ever done in the Philippines. We can see how Philippines is changing little by little. I voted for him because I thought he can be a good leader for the Philippines, and I wasn't wrong about it. I started to worry about every day's killings, but then again, I told myself that the bad guys get killed, in the attempt to stop them doing their illegal business. Nobody before dared to stop them, but Duterte does. It is time that we stop hating the president, because in the first place before he became the president of the Philippines we were told by him what he is going to do about these killers, drugs lords and drug users. He keeps his words!

My view about abortion

To all who are concerned:

At a young age, you got yourself pregnant and now you are so desperate that you want to end your life because of it. You think your parents will be angry and will hurt you when they find out. You think you can't raise a child. Your boyfriend ... was it even a real boyfriend ... is a coward and did run away already and denies everything. He is the father of your child but he doesn't want to take the responsibility. You are so young and scared and now want to abort the child ...

Here in the Philippines, this is a very common situation, in particular in the province. First, have you even thought about the consequences it may bring to you before you've done something stupid with your partner? Now a child is growing inside your belly, and it is a consequence of your actions. Is it now necessary to abort the child? Well, I do agree, you were stupid, irresponsible, young, in love, with the wrong guy, but I disagree that now the life must end. Neither yours, nor the baby's. Come on, children get born all the time, single moms exists in numbers of hundred thousands, so this is not so unusual, and many single moms master their life well. It is now time to stop stupidity. Don't act like a coward, act like a mom, act like a responsible person. Life does not need to end by this. Surely, your life will get more exciting once the baby is born. Maybe it does not get easy, but for sure more interesting!

Killing a child, even it is only a fetus, will bring you bad luck. Just think how it would be if your parents would have done it: you would not be alive today. You may be very young when you got yourself pregnant but that doesn't mean your life will end there. Know how to accept your mistake! Raised the child, tell your parents about your situations while it is early. They might get angry, but they are your parents, they are going to accept you and help you to raise the child no matter what. Just don't kill a life! And next time learn not to be fooled by nobody like the father of your child. He doesn't deserve you and your baby. Good luck and somehow be happy because god gave you a gift!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

NSTP activity in college

Planting trees is easy but climbing on a very high mountain to plant trees is difficult. That's what we did earlier today. All NSTP students were required to attend, but I have seen only haft of all students. I have a guess why the others didn't attend the tree planting. Probably those who didn't go were scared of the dirt and or just to lame to climb up a mountain. Who knows?

So back to the start: We were told to be there today by 6:30am, but as usual everybody was late. The service cab, owned by the army, left around 7:30am already due to waiting for other students. We got to the place after 20 minutes, and then from the ground we carried 4 plants each up to the mountain. It was very tiring but we made it to the top without falling. That's what we did today in our NSTP. It was fun and we had a good view from above the mountain.


I hate it when a group of morons are talking nonsense againts me. Knowing they are also relatives making my head burst into madness. Why can't they seal their mouths if nothing good comes out. I mean I would let you guys hate me if I really made a huge mistake. But I didn't. They act like they are victim, when the truth is that I am victim of their bullshit. Sad but true!

Why can't we just all get along and stop the hate. I'm being quiet. But you guys seems to talk trash againts me everytime. I used to be nice, and I've been a true cousin to the rest of you but it seems like I wasn't. Why can't we just be happy? I'm tired of all the hating you guys are given me. Please stop!

Pre finals

In ACLC college, the pre finals started on September 16th. Then next month will be the final exams, and then semester break. After the break, back to school again for the second semester. The school schedule will be nearly the same again, with four examinations.

Days goes really fast! I didn't even realize that the year is ending soon. It is "ber" months (Septem-, Octo-, Novem-, Decem-ber) and it means already Christmas is coming soon, at least to Christian countries like the Philippines. Christmas means another break, no work, no school etc. And then there is the New Years eve, which is a big party at some places, even though I never experienced a big New Year party myself. Once the New Year starts, everyone will be busy again with their work and studies and other doings.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Singapore and Bali

Picture thanks to Erwin Soo (CC license)
Two months to go and I will be in Singapore, and a week later in Bali, Indonesia. It is my first time. I never thought I'd be able to visit those countries so soon. This is an opportunity I must grab. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Before, it was just in my dreams, now it is becoming reality. Being able to visit other countries makes me so excited. I will not go alone, I will have a travel companion so that I am safe. I can't wait to take lots of photos when I get there. They said Singapore is such a beautiful and very neatly country. My classmate who has been there couple times told me that Singapore is just a small country but beautiful. Let's see when I get there. See you very soon Singapore and Bali Indonesia!

Mechanic Resurrection

The Mechanic Resurrection Movie is just one of Jason Statham's great movies. All of his movies are pretty good, full of action. The martial arts is always there and that's what I like more from all his movies. I can't wait for his next movie to come out in the theaters.

The Mechanic Resurrection is by far the best of all the movies I have watched this year. It is not a very long movie, unlike historical movies but watching it in cinema is worth it. Glad I didn't just ignore the movie, because if I did I would have missed the chance of watching it.

Looking forward to seeing more of his movies in the future! To be honest, Jason Statham is not as good looking as those other Hollywood actors these days but he has this charisma that catches attentions from the people. He is also charming. He may be older, at least compared to my own age, but his charm is still the same as when he was younger. I will forever be his fan.


Picture thanks to Kleomarlo (CC license)
I have heard that Davao is one of the best places in the Philippines. It is peaceful and clean, according to every netizen that goes there. But look what just happened? Davao is being bombed  by terrorists. Well, it's either terrorist or just people from Davao who are testing the President.

Of all the places here in the Philippines, why Davao? And it looks like the very first time that anybody would dare to bomb the city. President Duterte is from Davao and the people responsible for this explosion could possibly be against President Rodrigo Duterte's regulations. Maybe those people are drug lords who hate him for his regulations against drugs.

People must be careful. This can happen everywhere. I hope the people who got injured by this attack may recover ASAP. RIP to those who died from this cruelty!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Leisure day

What to do later?  Today's such a nice day,  no rain for a while now, the road is not too bad for walking, it is just a little bit too hot. It's good for the skin though, as it gives you a tanned skin.

Today I only have one subject at 11:00 am until 12:30 pm. After that I have all day long for myself. Even tomorrow I don't have classes. I might do some research for my project in Communication Skills class. Well, I have plenty of time, this project which we call "baby thesis" wont be passed until September 27. Our instructor will be away for six meetings which is good because the project she gave to us is not that easy and will need some time.

The Walking Dead

I've been a fan of The Walking Dead ever since I found of it. But hearing from a friend that Andrew Lincoln or Rick Grimes will not be casted on season 7 makes me lose interest in watching the next season. Come on! Rick was the main character from the start. And it will end like that?

I don't think the show will be as good as the previous seasons without Rick Grimes. And if he is not in the next season and they make Daryl the new the leader, I don't think it is going to be that interesting. I'm not saying Daryl can't be as good as leader as Rick, because in fact both suit to be a leader. But Rick has been leading ever since the show has started. He can't be gone on the next season. Many would be disappointed if he is not in the show. We need more of him on the upcoming season!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

McArthur Landing Site

Yesterday was my vacant day. I and my friends had decided to visit the McArthur landing site which is located in Palo, Leyte. It was my first time to see the statue of general Douglas McArthur and the other five statues including Sergio Osmena, who happened to be the President of the Philippines at that time. Their sculptures looked pretty amazing, I love how it's made. Glad it wasn't damaged by the typhoon Haiyan.

To those who haven't been there and have a thing to history, I recommend you to visit the place. Good for picture taking as souvenir. The place is good for picnic too, but the surrounding is not as good as it was before. The seawall has been ruined and too many dry leaves falling from the trees. And don't assume there is a resto around because you'll only be disappointed. As I said the place is only good for picture taking.

Facebook and Instragram

I wonder what my life would be without Facebook and Instagram? I don't think I'd be that obsessed with mobile gadgets if there was no Instagram or Facebook. Phone texting is not my hobby, and the only reason why I need my mobile phone is either for picture taking or facebooking.

I wonder what I'd be doing at this moment or with all of my free time if there was no Facebook? I might either doing my laundry or sketching a new drawing and maybe I would already be much more advanced with my painting skills if I wouldn't do so much facebooking. Or I'm either doing other interesting stuffs for sure. 

Facebook and Instagram helps me a lot against boredom. And most of all it helps me communicate with my relatives and friends. Facebook is fun but it is also an addiction. 

Law and order

What's wrong with the law enforcement? It looks like it is becoming worse than ever. Where is the law for those innocent people who got killed these days? Isn't it unfair? They died without any proof that they commited a crime. Police men shot anybody they'd mistake for a drug pusher. Even those who surrender to them and beg in front of them, they shots them to death. They don't even realized they're doing it wrong. This is against the law.

Who's to blame with these killings? Isn't the person who is above us? This is becoming awful. I hope this craziness would stopped. Can we just catch these bad guys without killing either of them who surrender without fighting. Can we? Come on! They have the well to live in this world, not all but some or mostly would might changed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sick in the mall

I got sick. I caught a cold. I went out to buy some food in the mall. My plan was to buy food, tissues, and medicine for cold and then come back to my place. But I ended up watching a movie anyway. Which I didn't planned. After the movie I headed to the supermarket to get foods and then to the pharmacy after. So I've decided to go back to my place because I thought I have everything I needed but then I forgot about the tissue. And it is too late to buy it now, and also I am tired.

Oh well, I will get some tissues tomorrow but I hope this medicine will help. So I won't be wiping my nose anymore. It is just getting red and started to get swollen. I hate having cold, this ain't fun. I hope this will be gone soon.

But next time I will have to mark my word. Not to mix everything up, so that I don't forgot what I've came for.


Done with four exams for midterm, two more to go and I will get over the midterm and be ready for the final exam. Next exam will be in Computer Fundamentals tomorrow at 6pm to 7pm, and the last exam I'll be taking is in Communication Skills 1 on Tuesday. Two more and I'll be free from stressed. Finals will  be on October so I have some time to relax and just keep going to school for finals.
I just can't believe that the semester will be over soon though, two months from now and I'm ready to move to another chapter of being a college student.

I won't give up easily and I'll keep going while I can. I'll go with the flow of life, while working on something that I think is better for me. So I think studying is best for me and I am into it, and you just all don't know it.

Love your family

Family is always special. No matter how much you dislike each other or even hate each other, still at the end you care for them. I love my brothers and I don't want anything bad to happen to them. They are the love of my life and so are my parents.

Recently my brothers had a motorbike accident. Sure no one of you have any idea how many times I cried for them, parted for them, hoping they'are all ok. Being their only big sister, I can't help myself but to breakdown after I heard what happened to the 3 of them. And I couldn't do anything right away because I was too far away to see them and help them. I love them even when we all don't get along sometimes. I don't want to see them in pain and most of all I don't want them to be in another accident again. I always pray for their safety. Thanks god they are getting better now!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Philippiness politics on illegal drugs

According to the president of the Philippines, every politician who is involved in drugs will face charges and death. He says people who sell drugs have no right to live. There is news about killings of drug pushers all time right now.

In my opinion, I don't think it's right for him to approve the uncontrolled hunting and killing of those politicians, or even the other drug lords and drug users. They may do wrong, but still they have families that love them, that care for them, that would surely cry if ever they get killed. If I were the President, I would never order my men to kill every single drug pusher or drug lord, unless they fight against the ordinary people and the police. Because sometimes even those who surrender get killed. Which isn't fair. They deserve a trial, because even police men make mistakes sometimes and hunt after the wrong guy. Everything must go according to the law, that's why we have a law, to give every person a fair chance. But right now everything seems out of control.

Well, the President can still fix all this mess and I just hope for him to change his mind and his attitude somehow. Instead of letting so may people get killed, why not just capture them, give them a fair trial and lock them in jail. That's what would be correct according to the law.

Rainy night

Rainy night here in Tacloban! The wind blows really cold. I don't think I'd be using the ceiling fan tonight. I guess I can sleep peacefully without waking up in the middle of the night sweating. The owner of this place should be thanking me for not using the ceiling fan. The electric bill will be cheaper for them. I pay a fixed part of the bill, so if the bill is less they keep the surplus money. If the rain happens often this month they would be lucky, they wont have to pay so much for the electric bill. I usually don't switch on the ceiling fan when the weather is not hot. No need for me to use it. Even before I go to sleep, I make sure everything is turned off, lights and electric devices, and I make sure my chargers are being removed, I always do it for my safety just in case the wire will overheat. By doing that I'm not just helping myself but the people that are around me, and it decreases the electric bill.

I may be renting, but that doesn't mean I have to be a mad person. I have boundaries for myself and respect people around me. That's how I am and that's how I must act.


Some dogs are annoying. They bark so loud in the middle of the night. They eat anything their eyes sees, it is either sleepers, shoes and any other stuffs. They don't care because they are dogs. Some people beat dogs then, and the dogs won't say anything but cry feeling their body ache, simply because they're only dogs.

Dogs act how their owners trained them to be. So if the owner is not good at training them well, then there's no way your pets would grow up as one good pet. More on dogs, if you treat your dog bad and not feed it, expect yourself to get a bad dog in return. Once you get yourself a dog, first you have to care of it nicely and feed it in time so that it won't steal food from the kitchen or anywhere. And then you need to teach your dog how to behave socially. Doing this the right way without beating takes lots of energy and patience.

Not all dogs are bad, it is depends on how you treat them. Don't you know that dog can be your bestfriend too? It definitely is.