Saturday, July 30, 2016

Acquaintance Party Dress Problem

The rain is nonstopping since morning, and the acquaintance party is coming. I have a problem with my bohemian dress. When it is raining too much, I won't be able to wear my boho dress as I am worried it might get really dirty from walking. My dress is long to the floor. It wouldn't be a problem wearing it if it's not raining and if the roads are reasonably dry. Only if knew it would rain, I wouldn't have gotten myself the dress, just a waste of money.

It wouldn't be a problem to wear my long dress to acquaintance party itself, just the way to that place is the problem. I live in a place where the roads flood whenever the rain gets hard. That's the problem and I am not expecting this to happen. I will probably miss the chance to get pretty tonight wearing my boho dress :(

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Real friends

In your hard times, you find out who your really friends are. Real friends stay even at your worst moment of your life, but fake friends don't, because they only want the benefits that you can give to them. Once you are out of benefits, they will dissappear real quick without saying anything to you. And when they see you rising again, they would try to push themselves onto you once again. As if you're too stupid to let them again.

You have to know that everything in this world is temporary, nothing really stays as it is forever. That also holds for friends. You thought they're your best friends but you're wrong, a little later they are your worst enemies. Sometimes even best friends becomes enemies, families becomes strangers to each other. That's how it is. Don't expect to much and learn to live your life as a wise person, so that no one can fool you later!

Midterm exams

I'm done taking two exams for today. One more to go and I'm done. Our next exam will be the communication skills preliminary exam for all the BOAS students. I have no worries about answering all the questions. Communication skills is our English subject which I like the most of all subjects, I believe I can answer the questions in time.

I am relieved that I did know the answers of most questions in "Fundamental of Accounting 1" which is my major subject. I may not get the perfect score but at least I wouldn't be zero, I am sure with that. It's not hard to answer questions as long as you study. Nobody is dumb, but lazy people don't know all answers for the exam. Hard work pays off, so study well!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tired after PE class

I had a tiring day today. In physical education subject, we had a quiz first and then we did stretching. Our PE class starts at 1pm to 3pm every Tuesday. We always start with stretching whenever we have classes in PE. I think it is good for us because it helps us to be flexible and more active.

I was supposed to go to the gym during my free time this afternoon but because I had PE subject today, I postponed gym. Too much physical exercise is tiring. Probably I go just when I don't have school, I have 3 days off every week so I always have time for the gym. Going to the gym just 3 times a week is good enough. No need to go everyday, that would not be good for my body.

How to learn in school

If you go to college, review the lectures every morning, as it will help you memorize. Add the fact that no one can bother you while you're reviewing for exam, hence the morning is really the right time to study. Wake up around 5 am or 6 am if you are to study/review. That's the easiest way to learn and you can memorize lots of details about your subjects. Take note, you can't memorize by just doing it once. Do it repeatedly whenever you have time, and then you're good to go for exam.

I was so negative when  I was just starting school. I said I will never learn, because I always forget things easily. I think I was wrong. It was last Wednesday morning  when I tried to review about accounting and until now all I have all details still in my mind, and I just keep on adding. Don't be always so negative. Never say you can't do this or that, because you can, I can,and we can! Just try!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Skin and hair

I don't understand why people with dark skin are so eager of having whiter skin. And while some people with white skin wants to get tanned. Why some rich with dark skin inject glutathione into their body just to get the perfect skin color. It seems they are never content with what they have.

People get born with curly hair, now they went straight hair. Other people have already straight natural hair and wish to have have curly hair. Just like what I did to my hair. I was lucky to be born with straight hair but 2 years ago I was eager to change my hairstyle so I came up with permanent curly hair. But after a week of having that different style, I've proven to myself I don't want to have curly hair anymore. I went back to the salon and changed my hair to straight again. Just after 2 weeks of being rebonded my hair got back to curly, as it was ruined by chemicals. I waited for almost a year before I decided to fix it again. I learned my lesson! Be happy with yourself and never think of fixing so much about yourself!


Today's is Sunday, I should gone for mass but I don't have company so I decided not to go. By the way, I have a lot of things to do today, as we will be having our first exam for this semester, I have to review all topics that have been discussed during classes. I don't want to fail in any subject.

For now I am reviewing all about "Fundamental of Accounting 1". This will be our first subject in exam on Tuesday.  I've  already memorized few topics of accounting, so I guarantee I will not get a zero grade in accounting. I have another subject to review next, it is the "Computer Fundamentals" which gonna be our next subject on Tuesday. My time is limited, I have to do all in two days. Hopefully I can pass the exam. The mid term exam is important as it counts for 40% of our grades. Wish me luck everyone! Have a good Sunday! :)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Life should be fun

Do what you love to do most! If you found what is making you happy, then don't hesitate to do it! Remember, we create our own path, and our life depends on our actions. God is only a watcher so even if you pray for something good to happen to you but not doing anything to make it happen, then you'll never going anywhere by praying!

Good things come to those who pray but also work hard for what they've prayed. Do what you really desire in life while you still can, so you won't regret anything when you get older. Life is fun when  you're doing something that you love to do.

My cousin

I just called the sister of the cousin that's locked up in jail. According to her, the only way to get my cousin out of jail is to find first the person who is responsible with the crime. The poor boy is always crying, and never goes to sleep since he got locked up. She told me that her brother is so down and even his clothes are gone because all the underage guys that are being locked are scaring him and took most of his clothes. And since he is a province boy, he doesn't really fight. I just hope he can bare with all these problems.

Here in the Philippines, DSWD (department of social welfare and development) is the place where they take the underage kids in. That's where my cousin is, because they think he did a crime that he never really did. They locked him up and forced him to do several things in the DSWD home, such as cleaning the toilet etc. He told to his sister that he is so scared, that he heard that some of those boys who are in the same jail have been locked up there for more than 3 years already and when they turn 18, they will be locked up in the actual jail.

All I can do now is pray that he gets out there soon. I hope the truth will come out and he will get free!

Judgement day

Not all people who use photo filters are ugly. You know what's ugly? It's you and your judgmental mind. Many of us use filters to make our photos looks better but that doesn't mean we are ugly. Nobody is ugly. Because I think each of us has the own beauty. The only thing that makes us ugly is our behavior, manners and mind.

Being judgemental won't do us any good. We should try to focus on our own, instead of questioning other people's motivation. Let them do what they want without you judging them! Be happy for them so that you can be happy with yourself too!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Problem with my cousin

Just a while ago mom called me to inform about my cousin who got beaten by Muslims. My cousin is working in a small clothing store along with another guy. Mom told me that my cousin's coworker had committed a crime, he stabbed somebody, a Muslim, as we think. Then the Muslims caught the guy who did the crime and then thought that my cousin is his brother. So the Muslims beat them. Then the police came and took them somewhere. But none of my relatives knows where the police took them.

Stupid coworker why did he do such a thing? And he is a coward to drag my cousin into this. My cousin is just a sixteen year old boy who is already working just to help my aunt and now no one knows where the police took him. If it was really the real policemen. Whoever those guys are, I hope they don't do anything stupid to my cousin. My aunt is been crying ever since her son is gone. Please God, guide my cousin and let the truth comes out!

Bohemian Attire and Acquaintance Party

The ACLC College acquaintance party will be on July 29th. That's when all college students meet and greet eachother. The outfit should be Bohemian attires from head to toe. I am not sure where to get such an outfit as I don't have any idea what a Bohemian attire would be. I need to ask around and see what my college friends will get, and then I will try to get a similar outfit.

We are all excited about the upcoming acquaintance party, even though finding that outfit is a bit stress. Anyway, one of our teachers gave us a hint. She is our teacher in accounting. She told us last Wednesday about the Bohemian style: we can get a long dress, or a dress above the knees and shoes that suit in a bohemian attire along with  flower or something that can be put on the head. Good luck to us!

Friday, July 22, 2016

I love math

Hahaha, no, I don't love math! The title is just a joke. But today at least something good happened to me at school during math class. I know this very simple to those who are a math genius but not for me as I just started studying.  So far I am starting to learn little by little about math. Today we studied about different kinds of "Set Operations" which I fully understand during the lesson. It may sound crazy, but it surprised me that I understand something in math. In fact I am so happy about it, because math was never really my thing. Honestly my brain has nothing inside. But today I'm glad it worked.

I find mathematics really difficult and confusing but to be able to understand my teacher's discussions somehow makes me happy, it motivates me and give me a bit interest in mathematics.

Going to gym

I always wanted to exercise at the gym. The only problem that was stopping me from going was my shyness. But I told myself not to be shy anymore, so today I searched for a gym and I found one near Robinson mall. It is not expensive since I got a student discount. I need to gain a bit of weight so I did what's nessesary.

Now at least I have something to do when I don't have school. I can go to the gym at 3x a week for 2 hours. I have to sweat and work hard in order to have a good body shape. And so that I can have more confidence with myself.

To those who are not happy with their body shapes, I think the best solution that you can do is to go to the gym to maintain your body shapes. Or exercise daily at home.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Biker women

Picture thanks to Bruno Caimi (CC license)
Hi guys! I was thinking I must share to all of you what's my impossible dream!

Here it goes: 2 years ago, I was not yet a fan of motorcycles such as Harleys and other brands. But now it's a bit funny and crazy that sometimes I think of myself as a woman driving a Harley. I know this is just a crazy dream of mine. Because I myself can't even drive a bicycle. But it's just a dream. I just love Harley-Davidson so much, and I'm now obsessed to any motocycles. 

I admired those bad ass ladies that can drives motorcycles. Every time I sees a woman driving a motorcycle my heart stops pumping and I will not take my eyes off of her until she's gone. It's a bonus for me when I sees one good looking lady driving a motorcycle. 

Advice for those who are brokenhearted

Just a short advice for those who are brokenhearted: I just want you to know that alcohol isn't a solution to a broken heart. Yes if you drink alcohol, it can help you forget the pain in your heart. But only for a while, because that's how drunk people are when drunk. Once you are no longer under alcohol influence, all pain and problems come back, even stronger. You must get back to reality and keep in mind that alcohol isn't the solution to any problems.

Instead of killing yourself with alcohol, it would be better if you stop being an idiot and start thinking why you and your partner broke up. If it weren't your fault why he/she left you, then he/she isn't worth your time and love. Move on without involving alcohol. Find something that will interests you and can help you move on easily. Alcohol is never a solution to any problems.

College games

Yesterday, everybody in college had fun! There was all the cheering and laughter from every group. Everyone enjoyed the activities yesterday. It was the PE class. The class was divided into teams that wear a uniform color. I was in the blue team. We had about 5 games. The red team won trice, while the blue team got nothing. But I wasn't disappointed because even we lost for five times we still had lots of fun.

I've been enrolled to three different colleges by now, and I had to stop studying two times because of financials. The ACLC College is my third college, but this is the very first time for me to witness such fun and happiness from every PE student. It was priceless. I am one of those PE students who did enjoy the activities we had yesterday. I am loving this school. I have the nicest classmates so far. I couldn't ask for more.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

President Duterte

As we have now a new president, we can see some of the places in the Philippines changing already. Just like Baclaran: before, Baclaran was really a huge mess, vendors were everywhere along the road, garbage was everywhere, sweaty and stinky. But now Baclaran is very clean, with wide space on the road, vendors are now at the very side and they don't just place their stuff everywhere.

It's really amazing how our new president is changing  the Philippines. He does it in the right way. He made sure all vendors can still sell their products. It's just been a month since he rule but look what he has done already. Isn't that amazing?

Thursday, July 14, 2016


I just got home from school. I thought I won't be able to make it to school today. Due to my condition last night, I felt so sick last night, I was shaking and couldn't go to sleep, my body was aching. I did not know what's really the reason. I tried to put myself to sleep, but I realized that it is not going to work. I decided to take advil and put socks on my feet. That helped, and I fell asleep. By morning I felt fine. No more headache.

I got myself ready for school. As we had a very important activity for today. I'm so much thankful I made it to school. My grades in PE class (physical education) for sure will be fine. But now I'm back to being sick, but I'm not worried as I do not have classes tomorrow. All I can do now is to take medicine for fever and then sleep.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Stomach problems

The past few months I did eat less food. First I wasn't worried about why I was losing my appetite but now it bothers me. Because I am realizing the difference of my body now and then. My stomach was always hurting and whenever I ate food I felt like vomiting. Sometimes I threw up after I ate and I feel so weak whenever I do something now. It's hard to guess what's wrong with my body. I am not so sure what's really happening to me.

I know what you think! No, I am not pregnant. If, then I would probably gain weight, not losing weight. I am definitely not pregnant, as I have no boyfriend or husband so there's no way to get pregnant. I am losing weight without really knowing any reason. I feel so skinny now. I just hope this isn't a serious matter. I don't want to get sick, I just want a happy and healthy life. Just like what everyone of us wants. Maybe it is just the stress in school.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Money, money, money ...

Picture thanks to Cyruss Matencio (CC license)
It's so annoying when someone you barely even know asks you for money. We can't let just anybody borrow money from us so quickly. I'm nice to those who are nice to me, and I trust those who trust me. But to borrow money from me is a different story. I am not rich! I barely survive with this blog job to pay my college. Why does somebody try to borrow money from me who knows me barely since just one week and who does not know anything about me?

I'm sure none of us would lend money in this situation.

The situation is this: I have classmate. Since June, we met eachother in classroom since we have a few subjects together. She is trying to borrow money from me. She has been to my place one time already, to work on our plant project together. She knows where I live while I don't know where she lives or anything else about her. Been a week, I haven't seen her around school anymore. Yesterday she texted me asking money from me because she said her money got stolen. So I replied to her saying I can't lend any money, since I have no money at all, which is the truth. I also don't know her well enough and I don't know whether she stopped school or whether I ever see her again. So, that's what happened yesterday. It's crazy, people who barely know me seem to think I am rich because I can pay my college, but no, I am not rich and it is very hard for me to pay my college.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

School quizzes

Today was a very busy day for me. My last subject ended at 6pm. I had four subject today and two quizzes so far. We had a computer fundamentals quiz and then NSTP quiz. Both quizzes had 50 points, but for computer fundamentals, I only got the score of 12 which is nothing. But since it was the first quiz for us BOAS students, our professor considered it as passed, even at 12 points. Anyway the highest score anybody reached was 24 which isn't officially passed either but closed enough. The official passing score is 27. We all failed our first quiz. Well, it doesn't matter for now because we have a nice professor. He gave us fair points for the quiz for today. At least for now! Next time will be more strict, he says. Well, thank you, sir!

For the NSTP quiz, it was also maximally 50 points. Hopefully we answered the questions well, I am sure I will pass the NSTP quiz today. We won't know the result until next meeting. Today happened to be the first day of NSTP lectures and the quiz right afterwards. The NSTP quiz wasn't really that difficult. We answered it immediately, very easy. I think it was easy because it was the first quiz ever. So that's what happened today at school.

Friday, July 8, 2016

End of Ramadan

According to President Rodrigo Duterte, today is a holiday. He has Muslim blood in his veins so I guess to show his love for his Muslim brothers, he implemented Ramadan here in the Philippines.
I can see little by little how he's trying to solved the country's problems.

He started replacing those who he thinks are not good for the Philippines politics. Those who he think are corrupt are now gone. They are being kicked out from the Malacanang Palace. I bet they would be very mad to the president for removing them from their place. Well' I don't have complaints to the president, in fact I even Salute him for what he did to those corrupted Politicians. I am looking forward to what would President Rodrigo Duterte do next.

Sunday, July 3, 2016


You can never tell when those people around you will abandon you. Never assume anything from anybody. Never trust any words that comes out their mouths. Because sometimes they say things that they never really mean. People like that are only good at the beginning. They will get tired and will leave you hanging at the end.

Don't we hate it when we think our life is a mess, and then out of nowhere someone will come along and will give us hope, but then suddenly disappears? People will tell us what is best for ourselves, and sometimes we need that and like that because it is comforting. But keep in mind. Don't trust them right away!

Some of you have no idea how hurtful, disappointing, and depressing it is to be in that situation. One more thing we hated is when we are already enjoying, and loving what we do, is when you would try to ruin everything. We always sense it when certain things is changing little by little. Just never suggest anything good to anyone if you're the one to ruin it at the end.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Be who you are

Nowadays fame and materialistic prosperity are becoming more important than most other things. Some people even pretend that they are rich by showing off expensive gadgets. But in real life, they are just like us average people, having multiple jobs in order to pay for nice materialistic toys, so that later they have something to brag to the people around. While there is nothing wrong with having multiple job, it does not seem right to pretend that you are noble and rich or in any way better than others, so that people admire you. Be true to yourself, so that people around you will love you and wont leave you when you're down.

Once we decided how we behave, we are responsible for the outcomes. Truth may hurt, but it's better than making up stories, and lie to people. Don't be afraid to shows the real you, because only then you can find real friends, not fake admirers. True souls find true friends. Don't be someone else you don't fit in. Study hard, work hard and you'll get to where you want to be in the future and can even get everything you wanted in life! Just stay humble!