Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Facebook pseudo friends

Lately I've been deleting people I don't know in Facebook. I have two Facebook accounts, one for entertainment and fun which does have too many friends that I don't even know, and the other is for family and friends and only has a small number of friends.

I realized I don't need so many Facebook friends in the fun account. They are more annoying than good. When I post a picture,  I only get a 100 likes out of more than 3000 friends, and people barely talk to me so what is the point of keeping many people. So I started deleting people from my province which are my Facebook friends, so far I deleted about 250 friends already. Those I deleted may not be from my province but I don't know them to keep them. They might all be the same family name but still I don't need to keep neither one of them.

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