Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Unexpected laundry fairy

So last night I was going to do my laundy, I even prepared everything and I took my laundry outside my room and then I open the faucet so that I will have enough water to wash my clothes. And the rain had started, I waited for the rain to stop but it didn't. I was getting sleepy and so I decided to go to sleep.

In the morning I came to school around 10am and then came back home by 1pm. When I was about to open the gate, I noticed first, all my dirty clothes were hanging, I was shocked thinking who did my laundry? It didn't take long right after I got inside the front yard, the lady who is a relative of the boarding house owner approach me and told me she did the laundry as she seen it in the box outside. She even told me not to worry of anything. I was speechless but in the end I thanked her. I was thankful and I can't believed she would do my laundry. I was embarrassed but she does it without my notice so I leave it that way. 

Facebook pseudo friends

Lately I've been deleting people I don't know in Facebook. I have two Facebook accounts, one for entertainment and fun which does have too many friends that I don't even know, and the other is for family and friends and only has a small number of friends.

I realized I don't need so many Facebook friends in the fun account. They are more annoying than good. When I post a picture,  I only get a 100 likes out of more than 3000 friends, and people barely talk to me so what is the point of keeping many people. So I started deleting people from my province which are my Facebook friends, so far I deleted about 250 friends already. Those I deleted may not be from my province but I don't know them to keep them. They might all be the same family name but still I don't need to keep neither one of them.

Power outage

The power just went down, not sure when it will come back. Now I find it difficult to breath as the power is  down, the fan won't work unless the power goes back. My room has different temperature, there are times my room is really cold even it is not raining. Sometimes even when it is raining my room is just too hot. I'm used to those changes, but at times like this I wish the power is not down. It is just really hot here and there is nothing I can do, except to wait for the power to come back. I'll just play with my phone until the battery dies.

Hungry evening

Just got home from school. My stomach needs food, but it is raining, and nearby stores are closed. It is just now that the nearby stores closed so early. I should have gotten myself something to eat at McDonald's in front of my school before heading home. Oh well I planned of grabbing food at Robinsons Mall. The problem is the closing time is 8:00pm because it is weekdays and I forgot that. I arrived in the mall around 7:50pm, all the store were already closing and they weren't accepting customers anymore.

I hate planning and get disappointed in the end. Next time I'll make sure to get what I need first before going home. I'm really hungry! How I wish the rain will stop soon so that I can go out and get food.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jack Reacher

Yesterday I watched the 'Jack Reacher' movie. This is my first time to watch a movie of Tom Cruise. I've never been a fan of the actor's movies before. I know his existence, and I heard of his movies, but never I have thought of watching any of his movies.

So, yesterday I got to see him in a movie. 'Jack Reacher' is a badass movie, and I liked it. He is an old man, but the way he moves and break his enemies' bodies, wow, that was just awesome. Don't think I like violence, just in movies it is ok, because I like action in movies. I think I am starting to like Tom Cruise. My mistakes for not watching his other movies before. Oh well, I guess I didn't like him before because I was more into young tall actors then, but I admit Tom Cruise is handsome in a different way, just an old short guy though. Oops! Sorry!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Exam in accounting-1

Should I be happy? Knowing I passed my exams in accounting-1. I should be, right? From preliminary, midterm, pre final to final I passed it all. I don't know the total of my grades in accounting yet but I am not worried because I know I am passed already.

Why I am sure? It is because we had our final exam in accounting last week and we checked our papers right after we answered. I have reached the passing score, and I haven't failed neither of my exams in accounting. Hurray, I passed my main subject:  accounting-1.


They say the best way to find out whether your crush has the same feelings for you is to look in his eyes and then you'll know. But I don't think this is true. In my opinion, if you have a crush on a person you can know when he likes you, by observing his behavior when he are around you. That's just my opinion.

To have crushes is natural, mostly for teens, I was once a teens and I had few secret crushes back then. I didn't tell anyone who my crushed were. It is just natural for us human to feel that thing and that lead to reality where couples are made. LOL. Oh and still now I have many crushes but they're Hollywood celebrities. No chance!


Don't be bitter about things that happen but are out of your hands. Remember that everything happens for a reason. And no matter how hard it is, you have to see and take the positives from every experience and grow from it. Life is too short for us to even dwell with the past. You just have to smile and say thanks for the good times and memories and focus on happiness and start making new ones.

Past is past and in order to be happy, forget about the things that had happen before, good or bad. Know how to let go and know how to move on.

Exam permits

I have just seen the poster in front of the school. It reminds us not to lose our final exams permit, because it is needed as our clearance so that we can enroll for the next semester.
I did thought before that all of the permit from preliminary to finals are needed for the enrollment, not only the final exam perits. Anyway, I have them all ready, so whatever is needed, I won't be worried. I have kept all my school stuffs at my place. In typhoon Yolanda 3 years ago, I did lose all my permits. I don't want to be in such a situation again where I lose any of my school stuff so I don't have to worry later when it is needed.


I can't do my laundry because of this heavy rain. It seems to happen everyday. Most of my clothes are dirty, and there is no way I could dry them. When it is raining, my clothes will smells bad if I wash them and hang them without sun, because they will not dry. Right now I only washed one at a time so that I have something to wear for the next day. I have no choice, but to leave it that way.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Operation Chromite

The newest movie that I have watched is the Operation Chromite. This is a war drama from South Korea. It is one of the most heartbreaking movies I have ever watched lately. 15 South Korean soldiers died protecting their country, they died as a true soldiers while fighting. South Korea consider them as heroes in the battle history.

So this movie is based on the true story. In the 1950th, when the war happened between North and South Korea, the US backed the South Korean forces. It was during Douglas MacArthur's era. General MacArthur is wellknown in the Philippines, as he fought against the Japanese in the Philippines during World War 2.

The way this movie is filmed is outstanding. I assume all the cast will later gain an award. This movie is worth watching, and I did not regret that I spent money on this movie. Even I was alone and most of the people I was around with were older, still it didn't bother me. I guess I was the only younger inside the cinema that day. Well it is hard to tell since it was dark inside and crowded. You guys must watch this movie. Don't missed it!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Girls fights

A guy should never interfere with a girls fight. What I mean here is the physical violence. It is not cool that girls fight, but it is even less cool for any guy to climb in a boxing ring with angry girls. Just for example: When you see your girl, or your sister or any female relatives having a fight with someone, the first thing that you must do is to stop them, best by using words to calm them down. Do not use physical force. It's not proper for a guy to hit a girl. No matter what it is the two girls are fighting, you must calm them down.

I've seen this happen, that boyfriends hit girls because they were mad at his girlfriend. Not to me but to others around me. Sometimes I may be sounds like I am a warfreak, but in real I am not. So this is not about me.

Good morning

Good morning to those having their morning right now. It is 6:30am here in the Philippines, and everybody is on their daily morning routine. Having coffee and breakfast before heading to their jobs/schools. That's mostly happening right now. Everybody's busy since today is wednesday. Malls will not be crowded today.

It seems that it won't rain today, but I do not know later though. Last night it was raining so hard without stopping, but right at the moment it seems not. The clouds are bright. I hate going to school when it is raining, I'll get wet like a duck before I arrived at school and that is not good. I would catch a cold in wet clothes as my school is fully air conditioned. But lucky me, right now it is dry. So that's all. Let's drink Milo, I'm having a glass of it.

I hate distraction

I hate it when I am in the middle of a conversation with somebody and then someone would try to talk to me. It distracts me, and I end up forgetting what I just have said to the person I'm having conversation with. It is annoying.

I am a person who cannot be distracted when I am talking to someone. I may forget what I said suddenly. To be able to remember it, I will have to ask the person I am having my conversation where we ended. My memory is not good as many of your all here. :(

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

To the dumbs

Intelligent people don't go out there claiming that they are. Because they're very smart and they know that bragging doesn't take them anywhere. So why would someone like you who is not that intelligent brag so much about how intelligent you are?

That's just nonsense and funny!

Wet motorbike ride

Yesterday early in the morning I and my cousin, kuya Bryan, rode back to Tacloban on his motorbike, as he is going to to get his driver license in Catbalogan. It was an unexpected trip, and I thought I would be able to come back to Tacloban for free. But when we were half way, the rain was too strong and it was difficult to drive. The road was slippery, and my stomach was hurting, I felt like I did eat something that my stomach is not accepting. Luckily when we were already in Jiporlos, we stopped by on a store where I was able to used CR. After that, I still didn't feel any better and it was cold. So we decided that I ride on the Van-van, which started half an hour later from there.

My cousin drove back to Tacloban alone in the heavy rain, but he arrived safely. And while I was on the Van-van, I felt like crying from stomach ache, and I was feeling sick too. That trip didn't go well for me, but luckily I also arrived at home in the boarding house.

Stomach problems

Bad day for me! My stomach is hurting so much that I couldn't go to school. I might get in trouble for not attending my P. E. subject today as it is our last day of practice before the finals. Oh well, what can I do? It just happens suddenly. Even if I would try to come to school, I still couldn't perform in P.E. today.

I hope that my group won't replace me with someone else. It is easier to perform in group than alone in the P.E. exam. I've been a nice classmate to them so I hope they have enough patience to still include me in their group. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Typhoon Karen

It looks like the typhoon Karen is leaving the Philippines. But there is another one that might hit the Philippines. I hope it wont be as strong. This is not new: the Philippines are on the road of the typhoons, and often a big one comes whenever Christmas is near.

I am happy to know the typhoon Karen is not in my father's area and it didn't hit my place as well. We just had a lot of raining due to its season which is rainy season here. I hope no more typhoon or low pressure coming this year. It would not be a good Christmas gift for us if ever. I want to end this year without having worries about anything.

Province vs. City

People who are living all their life in the city would not understand the province life. There are two types of people in this world, one who can't live in the province, because they used to city life. And another who is born in the province and cannot be in the city.

I knew some people who are from Manila. They are scared to live in the province, they thought if they stay at a province they will not able to do the things that province people are capable of doing just to feed their family. They would get hungry once they ran out of money, they said.  In my point of view, I would rather live in the province and I won't go hungry. As a province person, I think living in a province is so much better than living in the city.

Chilling time

I am here, chilling while watching Korean movies with my brothers and cousins at home. We can watch until midnight since I don't have to go to school tomorrow. I can stay up late tonight and that's a good thing. Moment like this barely happens, so I am taking this moment.

When I go back to Tacloban, I will be all alone again in the evenings and I hate being alone. But I don't have much choice. School first before anything, so I have to be that way until I'm done with school. I only come home when I can. 

On the beach

Last week, I went with my brothers and friends to the beach. Everybody that went with us had fun. We did enjoy it much. We brought food with us for lunch, and everything got emptied. Just the rice wasn't enough for us and we ran out of water. Next time we go on another outing, we will have to cook more rice and bring more drinking water. That's really important.

Anyway, each of us got to eat something. My brothers were there, and most of my cousins were present too. We had fun, looking forward to another birthday outing.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Internet and mosquitos in province

Just a while ago, I and my cousin went nearby the tower signal, so we could get a better internet connection. It was good, because internet worked just fine. The only problem there are the mosquitos. Going there without mosquito bites and coming back with bites is acceptable because our effort didn't get wasted.

It's just that I can feel the bites on my skin, and it is just itchy and a bit painful. The place has too many mosquitos. The reason is probably because of the garbage everywhere. I only sees few people living on that area yet there is too many garbage around. That's why there are a lot of mosquitos.

Semester ends

Picture credits to (CC Licence)
The first semester will be over in two weeks. Once the final grades are released I'm good to go for another semester. That will be my second semester in school, once I passed all my grades. If I finish the second semester, I survived the first year college, I hope.

November 7 will be the start of the classes for the second semester. But the first week to second week of school is definitely just like before, no proper classes because some students will be still enrolling. I am looking forward to the vacations for many of us soon. 

Drunk in province

Provinces are the quite places at night time. Most people sleep before midnight and you will barely sees anybody walking on the street or staying up late. In my hometown, 9 pm is quite already, because people save electric light and sleep early. The only problem here is whenever a group of people gets drunk together. Then this can turn out into a fight scene. It is the only problem here. People do wake up when they hear shouting.

Sometimes it gets scary when drunk people are fighting, because they get sharp stuffs like knives, etc. and then they'll try to kill each other. Always the same scenario whenever some province people are drunk! So full of madness! Good thing is that usually, they cannot do it when they are drunk. It is only empty words when drunk.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Changes in the province

After the typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, so many things have changed. From the tiny road to bigger ones, buildings became better and houses were reconstructed nicer. Many things have improved, and still keep improving up to now.

Before Yolanda, most of the roads were rap roads, and not very safe for driving. They had tiny lanes yet big trucks and busses were passing by. Compared to 3 years ago, now it is a lot safer for driving and for people to even chill by the roadside. Motorbike accidents or car accidents cannot be prevented totally, but it is better now. Accidents are just normal nowadays, no matter in highways or in the tiny roads.

Province afternoon

Today's just a normal day for me here in the province, I am off from school. I'm just here sitting at a corner of the house, thinking what I should do today. I was supposed to go jogging earlier with my cousin but end up not going. I am a bit lazy today.

It is really hot here, unlike other places. Yesterday when I was on my way home, I passed by Lawaan and it was raining so hard. I feard already it is raining here in my place, too, but I'm glad it wasn't. I don't really like it when it's raining here. It makes me lazy to come out of the house. So I prefer sunny day than rainy day, just have to deal with the heat. Even after showering, once you sweat you can feel everything is oily on your body. The heat is the main problem here today.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My cousin's birthday party

I got invited to a small birthday celebration of my cousin today. He turned 21 today. I am just 2 years older than him. His birthday party was just simple, he got himself two whole chicken. I helped out by cooking one of the chicken, I made chicken adobo, while the other chicken got roasted by my brother. Another cousin cooked Pansit Bihon. It didn't take long, because everybody helped out so we had prepared everything quickly.

After the food, we were heading to the beach. This is a special beach, not as flat and sandy like normal beaches. The waves here can become bigger but we can take care of  ourselves. This was fun, all of my cousins and brothers were going.

Cutest Korean actor

Is any of you a fan of a Korean named Song Joong Ki? I think he is so cute. Ok, if you are not a girl, I guess you don't have any idea who this actor is. But girls will know: He is a south Korean actor who stars in the Descendants of the Sun. Check the internet who he is and you'll fall for his cuteness.

Until recently, I didn't even know that he exists on this planet. My classmate suggested to watch the Descendants of the Sun. This helped be get over my boredom, and I fell in love with the Korean action drama. It is such a good Korean drama, one of the best that I have watched this year. I'm looking forward to his next movies.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

School relationships

Hanging around with the same group of people everyday got me to the point where I thought these people I am seeing everyday would stay the same to me until end of the school year. I hoped to find friends. A few of them have changed already from being nice and sweet to snobbish. But I don't really care, as long as I can stand alone, and I value people who value me. I do have some friends in school also.

We don't need to push ourselves to those who don't really like us to be around them. The best thing to do when you feel them un nterested to you: Easy, keep your distance and never be nice to them again. It's better to be true than being fake to each other. 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Travel soon

Soon to discover the beauty of Singapore and Bali Indonesia. One more month of waiting and then I am good to go. I am so ready, I am more than excited, knowing that I'll be visiting two countries this year. I just can't wait. Those who have been to those countries won't understand the feeling I felt whenever I think of my upcoming vacation to the countries.

This is a dream come true, before it was only a dream for me, now it is real and I am finally going to travel there and I will be able to tour the beautiful city of Singapore as well as Bali Indonesia. I can't wait to be in those countries this end of the month.

Teachers Day

The awkward moment is when you know it is teacher's day but you suddenly forget and greeted one of your teachers a Happy Birthday instead of Happy Teacher's day! :-) It wasn't so bad, but I felt embarrassed after realizing I said it wrongly. All my classmates said it right, but somehow I misheard it and my thoughts were somewhere else, so I said it wrongly. I was the last one that greeted her so for sure she heard what I said to her. It doesn't matter anymore since she didn't react, instead she told me thank you. It wasn't her birthday, I doubted if she really heard what I exactly said.

Anyway, from now on I never say a thing without making sure what I am about to say is right. I felt embarrassed. That's all!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Remembering my lola

Lola has passed away 12 days ago, but it feels like we are still longing for her presence. She is probably happy now because everybody was there to see her on her last day on earth. All her children were there except one who is living far away. Her wish came true, nearly. Sad that one of her children didn't see her anymore when she was still alive.

We were thankful that some of lola's relatives didn't left us behind. They sent their condolences and helped my aunt financially. A funeral is always expensive. Some of lola's relatives live in the USA. Even though they are far away, they still helped my auntie to overcome everything of lola's burial.

I hope lola is happy wherever she is now. We are thankful she didn't suffer a lot with her illness. We will be missing you, lola. Everybody loves you! RIP.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bad dream

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night from a very bad dream?

Last night I have had a bad dream, and I woke up from it. I am grateful it was only a dream. I hate dreaming such things, specially when that dream involved the person dares to your heart. I felt like that dream I had last night were real, but I'm glad I was able to open my eyes before it gets to deep.

I really hate dreaming in my sleep. Specially when it is a scary dream, and it seems so real that you wish you're not being on that situation.

It is normal to dream barely at night, some dreams are worth dreaming and some dreams are just so scary and are not worth remembering. How I wish we don't dream such scary things.

Fireman work

What's up, everybody! I am from the Philippines and it is morning here, so Good Morning to those having their mornings! Get up and start your day!

Right now, I am here at the school attending NSTP class. So the school invited a fireman as speaker for today's class. I think he is the leader of the firearms forces. He explains how to escape the fire without getting yourself hurt. He also teaches us how to evacuate properly during earthquake. So after this discussion we will all be doing the earthquake drill.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fiesta in Basey

Today I and my classmates went to the Fiesta in Basey. This is a village in the province not far from Tacloban. For the readers abroad: if you don't know how a fiesta is like here in the Philippines, I'd say fiesta here in the Philippines is all about foods, eating and of course a parade. But the parade is mostly only interesting in the big cities. So, in the small villages, more likely eating is the best thing to do. Along with friends, eating is fun and you can go to any house you wanted to go and eat.

I am thanking my classmate from Basey for taking us to her home, for letting us eat all the foods that they have left. We all enjoyed. The food was good. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to walk around their town. So that's what we did today afternoon. Thanks to my classmates for letting me experience that kind of things.


The main problem that some students are facing at our school is the non stop changing schedule. Some of the instructors are not easy to deal with. They'll change their schedule suddenly without meeting all of their students face to face, and without asking whether their students are okay with the new schedule. They don't even care whether the new schedule creates a conflict with other classes.

If you are a teacher planning to resign because you found a new job, would you at least wait until the semester ends, before you join the new job. Nobody is going to teach us except you, as our instructor. We students are worried about how we're going to handle this kind of matter. It is really chaos. We are eager to learn our subjects and pass the exams but you're giving us hard time. Unbelievable!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A break from college

It's been a week since the last time we had classes. It feels like I've been gone from school for a very long time, and now that I am back, I am torn between excitement and tense. Knowing I will find out my grades in some subjects including math making me so tense. As I am not ready to know what grade I got in my math subject. Anyways I can't escape any of my subjects, I have to be responsible and have the courage to face anything, no matter what grades I'd be getting.

I might be worried but I admit, I've missed all my closest classmates. One week without classes is just too long. I haven't seen either of my classmates since last week, I can't wait to hang with them again, and I will finally seeing them tomorrow on our accounting class. See ya'll tomorrow classmates! It's been a week since we met!

The Magnificent Seven

Yesterday, on my vacant day, I got to watch the movie "The Magnificent Seven". This is a remake of an older movie from 1960, which I didn't know. After I watched the trailer, I told to myself: "oh I am going to like this movie". And so I was kind of excited waiting for it to come out in cinemas. I was away on the very first day when it is showing, but now I got a chance to watch it.

The movie is about seven gunfighters who fight against bad people. The movie starts slow, and in the beginning you'd think the movie is boring and not good, but wait until the action unfolds in the middle of the movie. Another thing, if you are a fan of Chris Pratt, like myself, then he is there to chear you up. Such a funny guy in different ways. I love that guy and so the other stars in the movie. Watch the movie, guys!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Half bad, half nice

I can be anything I want to be. I can be as bad as others and nobody can prevent me from being a mean person. But I choosed not to be that person. I can be so nice too, but my experience with being too nice to others was sometimes that it got me in trouble. We better be just someone who doesn't care so much about anything!

Being a half bad and half good person is better than a person who's so nice about everything. Many will take advantage of you. You better be wise not to be played by anybody. If you think you're such a very nice person, well, you need to change a bit to protect yourself.