Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I thought we were going to have our NSTP Exam today. But unfortunately instead of the exam, we did a "reaction paper"about leadership training in NSTP class. I think NSTP doesn't really have exams: as long as you do every task that your instructor gives to you, you don't have to worry about your grade in NSTP. Because every activities has already grades and count like an exam.

It is important to study permanently without absences. This helps to proceeds to the next semester. Our instructor told us that some NSTP students don't really come to NSTP class, unless there is any important activity to do. That's the only time they come to class. Such a waste of time and money! Maybe those students are spoiled by their parents. Well, I am always present and I don't want to be absent when not necessary, because even when you're not too good in exams or quizzes but had the perfect attendances, then at least you have the chance of passing the subject.

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