Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pokémon Go

Alright everyone: Pokémon go is now in the Philippines! Finally! Hurray, we waited for it! Now you can download it for free. It is such a entertaining game, you'll enjoy playing it as much as I do. What are you waiting for? Download it now!

I have downloaded mine this afternoon and I started playing the game already, So far I have catched four Pokemons already. No surprise, catching Pokemon in the province is not easy and my internet is not as strong as yours. Though weak connection won't stops me from catching Pokémon.

Pokémon go is a phone game. You need to have a smart phone (Android or iOS) and an internet connection. You need to catch Pokémon, which are virtual creatures that you see on your phone when you are at specific location. The location is real, and that means, you need to walk though the city to find them. But be patient with it. Do not throw your phone when you can't catch any Pokémon anymore. I have to admit that the game got me annoyed earlier, because I did not catch any Pokemons anymore. I got annoyed and was going to throw my phone, but then my brain jumped in and reminded me that I don't want a broken phone. I am happy I have a brain, sometimes. My phone is still good as new and I can keep playing Pokemon Go.


A saying goes like this: people with no dreams are lifeless people. I agree to that. People who are living their life are those who actually dream big. We are! We live for our dreams, we pursued them by working hard for it. Do not say you can't reach your dreams, because you can. All you need to do is to work hard for it and hold on to your dreams. Never give up!

Those who are stuck in one corner are actually weak people. They are scared of trying, they don't do anything to make things happen. Once you have a dream or goals, to reach it, first you have to start thinking what you should or you would do to make it happen. You do not just dream or pray for it to happen. There's no miracle, effort, hard work and believing to yourself can get you there. Get up and start working for that dream!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Suicide Squad

Okay, what can I say about the movie Suicide Squad? It is really a good movie. I liked how the movie was made, lots of action and with my favorite actors on it. The movie was not so serious because there were some funny scenes, and what I liked the most is that it did not show much in the trailer. You wouldn't know who really are the enemies until you watched the movie first.

In the trailer I thought the only enemy was Joker, it turned out that enchantress was the main enemy for all characters in the movie. You wouldn't know for sure if you based it on the trailer. Better watch the movie and you will know.

Some people didn't like the movie, But I am more of a fantasy person, I love fantasy movies, Marvel movies, etc. That's why I liked the movie. Try to watch it!

Thinking about eye glasses

I am a bit scared of going to an eye doctor right now. The more I am avoiding to think about my eyes condition, the more it seems to become necessary to wear eye glasses soon. I never dreamed of wearing glasses in my 23 years of existence, but I think I would need to now. My eyes condition is becoming worse. Honestly I don't like to wear glasses at all but I feel like I would head to it.

I hate the feeling when I look at a line of words and it becomes 3 lines and blurry. Whenever I am attending classes, I am one of those students who can't see what's being showed up on the screen of the TV. I get headache more often. I keep waking up with blurry vision every morning. I think I now understand why I keep having headache so often. I had no idea I will end up this way. I am an old lady with eye glasses soon.

I don't like reading glasses but if it's the only way for me to get a better vision, I would accept the fact that I have to wear one. I want my eyes to get better, just like how it was before. I just wanna get better but what should I do? I am scared of consulting an eye doctor and finding out what's wrong with me.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Thinking of watching a movie today

Just another boring day for me at home, no school, no home works to do. I'm thinking of going to the mall and watch a movie or look around town. That is the only thing that will possibly help me ease the boredom. And since I been waiting for the Suicide Squad release and today it is finally showing here in Philippines. I think I would watch it today. Or maybe the newest Jason Bourne movie, it is pretty good too. Based on the trailer the movie is probably worth to watch.

I am torn between Suicide Squad and Jason Bourne movies. It's just that my classmates want to watch suicide squad tomorrow in our free time, they want to watch it all together. but what should I do? I been longing for the movie ever since I started watching the trailer. And I am more of a comic con person. And I can watch alone and I have no choice but to watch the movie today.

Midterm exams

Midterm exams have been announced. The official dates of examination are August 16 to 18, so it is twelve days from now. I am kind of excited knowing the midterm exam is soon, it means the semester is half way done. But thinking of the upcoming examination makes me tense, because I know I have to passed everything in order to proceed to the next semester without back subjects.

Being a college student isn't easy! You need to study as much as you can just to get the passing grades. As long I am learning, I do not need the highest grades, because I know I wouldn't even get to it. All I need is at least a passing grades. Day by day, I am learning at least stufs about my course and I am happy with it, even I'm not good at school. I'm grateful for what I am achieving each and everyday.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

I can speak Tagalog

Somebody sents me a message telling me I'm so 'maarte' because I keep posting stuffs with English captions on it in facebook. She asked why I can't speak Tagalog? How do I respond to this kind of message? Lol. Here we go again: The reason why I use English language in most of my captions and even in some of my posts is because I have lots of friends in my facebook from different countries. Germans, Americans,Thai.etc. and not everyone of them can understand Tagalog. Some of them will actually ask me what I just said when it's written in Tagalog. So in order for everyone to understand what I'm saying, I use English as the universal language. Now if you think that's being "maarte" and "bragger" you're so wrong. English is a business language, and I am learning business in college, hence it is helpful for me to also practice it. And Tagalog is only my second language, normally I would speak Waray, not Tagalog. Hey think what you want as if I care anyway.

Why can't some people just shut their mouth? Hating anybody won't help you anything. You're only wasting time hating other people. I find it funny how you spend time minding my business. 

Computer stuff

I thought when I have a laptop, I could prepare my activities at home, but I guess I was wrong. I stayed up late trying to download "Microsoft Office 2010" for "Microsoft Word"and "Microsoft Publisher" but I didn't succeed. My internet connection does work, but I couldn't download any of the two. This is sad.

I tried to find where I can download it for free. But there is no free download link. I thought it is free because it is so old, and I guess I'm just to dumb to find it. Microsoft should offer their old software for free to students who cannot afford it, because those students will then continue to use Microsoft software later in business life.

Anyway, it was last night  I gave up and went to sleep. Now I have to go to a computer shop to get my activities done. I will try again tonight and see if I can find "Microsoft Office". It is just important for the activities in computer fundamentals. If I cannot find it, I will try OpenOffice or LibreOffice. That's it!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Soon no farmers are left

Farmers are getting old, and young people don't want to work on a farm. If we do not inspire our youth to go into farming, then who will feed the world when the time comes?

We must do what's right for the sake of everyone. We need to encourage the youth to become more hard working, to have an open mind about farming. Nowadays, everybody tries to study, and it is really important, because once we're done with school, we can have a better job in the future, away from being stuck in a farm.

But we should not forget that farming is really important too, and that has a huge impact for us. It provides our daily food. We should not forget that. Perhaps we wouldn't feel that now, but what about later? So, it is important to value what farmers give to us, give them an opportunity to make a good living, because otherwise soon we have no farmers anymore.

Unfriendly sales lady

Yesterday during my vacant time, I decided to go to town, looking around, getting inside stores. Reason: I was free for 2 hours before my next subject. I got bored staying at school without classes, so I went to town. I ate first and then went inside an accessory store just looking around, checking the stuffs I might like. When I got bored I left and headed to next store, a shoe store. I did the same thing, just looking and I had no plan to buy shoes. After a while I left, because I thought it is time for me to go back to school.

When I was walking, I saw one more store, and I thought to myself "Okay this is the very last store I'm going into for today." It was a cellphone store, I went inside, looking, checking the prizes of the gadgets. I didn't intend to buy a phone, as I have already a cellphone. Suddenly two salesladies approached me asking whether I'm buying. I said: "No, not for now, because I'm just looking at the moment." I asked how much a phone gigabyte memory costs, but they both turned their head, giving me a not so good attitude, even they heard what I asked them. I was mad when they did that to me but I calmed myself and left.

I thought I should tell them that there is no reason to be angry at me, even when I am not buying. Honestly, if you are a sales lady, it is your duty to handle customers without being mean to them and don't expect everybody just to buy anything without making sure it's the thing they would really wanted to get.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Seen on facebook

Sometimes you can see sad videos inside facebook, taking from surveillance cameras. Somebody shared such a video in my facebook account about what happens here in the Philippines:

This video is about a guy driving a red Hyundai and a guy with his bicycle. The guy driving the car looks like he has money, and the guy on bicycle looks poor. What happened is they bumped in each other during their rides. You can see in the video that this little accident wasn't really a huge deal. Not much damage was there, maybe the car could have little scratches but it can be fixed.

The bicycle guy is trying to talk to the car's owner which is still inside the car. A few seconds have passed and then the car guy comes out and punches bicycle guy and they beat each other for couple of minutes. Then the rich guy goes back inside his car, while the poor guy stands there for a minute and then he decides to walk away. When he is about to drive his bicycle, the other guy comes out of his car with a gun and shots him twice right in the head. That's what happened.

Whoever that rich person is, he must be caught. He killed the poor guy because of his ego. He shouldn't have killed the guy. I don't know whose fault this accident was, but in any case he has no right to kill the poor guy. They should have settled things without killing with him. If you cannot control your temper, you should not driving a car. RIP to the poor guy that got killed.

Power down

Today I had two subjects only. I was in school around 11:00am to 2:30pm. After school, I grabbed something to eat and went to Robinson. I looked around for about an hour, until I got bored and decided to go home. It took me five minutes to get home by walking from Robinson mall. Now I'm home sweating all over, because the electricity is down. If I only knew there is no electricity, I would have stayed in Robinson. Air-conditioned everywhere and lots of stuff to see.

Power down is my main problem in this boarding house. It happens sometimes. Whenever the power is down, there is too much heat in my room, I am sweating, and I feel like I am being grilled. Too hot, gives me headache. I'm expecting the power comeback around 5-6pm. I'll probably sweat more until the power gets back. No WiFi for me because it's dead too.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Blogging for college

Picture thanks to Jonny Goldstein (CC license)
I started writing blogs when I was living in Manila. At first it was very hard for me. My brain was empty and I couldn't think of ideas what to write. I remember that last year I had financial problem while I was studying. At that time, I barely wrote any blogs, due to laziness and because my brain was not circulating. I admit my brain was probably slower that yours. So I stopped my studys.

I stopped due to the financial problem. Oh well, I am the one to blamed, because had already this blogging job, which is a good opportunity to make money, but I was too lazy to think so I always ended up broke. It was last year that I was very lazy and wasn't really into to what I was doing. 

Now I am trying my best to keep writing in order to survive and support some of my school finances. I thanking the person who employed me to this job, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be in school. 

Exams again

Yesterday we had our very last preliminary exam, in communication skills. It took me about half an hour to answer the test on paper. I think I passed the exam. The result is not yet announced. I think next week the result will be public. Our communication skills instructor said that we have to get at least 3/4 answers right to pass the exam. But we doubt this, because most of our other instructors said that half the score is good enough to pass. Maybe communication skills is different, at the end the instructor decides who passes and we must follow his policy when it comes to exam.

So if the exam has 100 points, we must get at least the total of 75 points. Most of my classmates including me are worried that we might not reach the 75 points. The exam wasn't really difficult, but some questions were kind of confusing. Well, I hope we all passed the exam.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Missing my mother

I was sick lately. Moment like this is when I most needs a family, a mother's presence. I miss the old days where my mom was always there for me whenever I was sick. She took good care of me and all my brothers. I think I just miss mom so much now that I am feeling sick. I think having mom around helps you get better quickly.

A mother care cannot be compared to a stranger's care. I miss you, mom, I miss you even when I'm not sick! I always miss you! I'm sorry for hating you then when you left us. I shouldn't have hated you. You are my mother and I must respect you no matter what. In fact I'm so blessed you gave birth of me, I owe you my life. I love you mom and I miss you so much.


I thought we were going to have our NSTP Exam today. But unfortunately instead of the exam, we did a "reaction paper"about leadership training in NSTP class. I think NSTP doesn't really have exams: as long as you do every task that your instructor gives to you, you don't have to worry about your grade in NSTP. Because every activities has already grades and count like an exam.

It is important to study permanently without absences. This helps to proceeds to the next semester. Our instructor told us that some NSTP students don't really come to NSTP class, unless there is any important activity to do. That's the only time they come to class. Such a waste of time and money! Maybe those students are spoiled by their parents. Well, I am always present and I don't want to be absent when not necessary, because even when you're not too good in exams or quizzes but had the perfect attendances, then at least you have the chance of passing the subject.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Most of us voted for Rodrigo Duterte, that's why he became the president of the Philippines in 2016. Many of us adore him and admire every good things he does. So we voted for him to become the president, to replace Ninoy aquino.

But look at some of us who voted for him, getting mad by his terms of killing drug Lords and drugs addicts. Before we were so eager to have him to become our president, but look at us now. Regret is in our mind. I regret nothing and I have accepted his terms of ruling the country. And in fact we cannot do anything, he is now the President, we made him as one, So be happy and just watch what happens next.

The Acquaintance Party

The acquaintance party last night was the best acquaintance party I have ever attended. Everything was well organized from table to foods. Everything from snacks, drinks, dinner, all food was organized by a food caterer. I had so much fun, I got to eat dinner with my classmates who were on the same table as I am. I didn't wear my boho dress, just jeans and shirt because I was one of those who got soaked from the rain while running to get to the event. I did all I can just to attend the party.

The event was really captivating. It was held in a huge gymnasium at Palo Leyte. Everyone was dressed perfectly, even the boys had their boho attire. The girls were looking so pretty with their attires. How lucky I am to have experienced such a nice event. I am thankful to be one of the ACLC students that have been on this Boho Acquaintance Party.