Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Vacaction is over - Slow school start

My vacation was too long. After my travel, I spend still a few days with my cousins. I've been away from school for a bit more than a week now, It feels like I made a huge mistake for not returning to school directly after the travel. I hate skipping classes. It makes me worried and think that maybe I am no longer welcome to the class. But I know that is not true. It is only my crazy mind that says that. When I am then finally back in school, my doubts go away and things go back to normal again.

My classmates are waiting for my return. I get many questions from them every day. Hence, I guess they miss me being around. LOL!  I wonder how many classes I've missed already? I know I don't have to worry but I can't help myself not to be. I just hope my instructors are nice then all would be good.

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