Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My first international trip

My first time traveling outside the Philippines was kind of difficult. I know, people from USA or Europe have no problems traveling, as long as the passport is valid, it is very easy. Not so for Filipinos. In order to go abroad, we have to go through a lengthy interview with a Filipino emigration officer at the airport. I have never done that before, hence I was nervous. I was asked random questions, such as where I am going, when I am returning, and how I finance my travel. But I'm glad I found a good answer for all questions. They let me out after all.

After I passed this Filipino burocracy, it was easy. The Singapore immigration was quick and easy, thanks to a friendly officer. Similar the immigration in Indonesia! The only problem when traveling overseas is the emigration process here in Philippines. They won't let you go easily, and they are not friendly at all.

I mastered it successfully, but I wonder about the others travelers that I saw in similar emigration interviews and that wanted to visit other countries too. Did they made it? It might be hard or easy for them. Some looked a bit desperate! Well unless you are very rich, then that would be quick for you.

Once you are on the other country, interviews is not really necessary. One or two basic questions such as "is it your first time in Singapore?" and then they'll stamp your passport. Then you are good to go as their tourist.

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