Thursday, November 24, 2016


Two days ago, I found out that my auntie's husband passed away. He was stabbed when he was drunk, and the killer got away. I wouldn't knew about this if there wasn't a post of my cousin in Facebook about this.

My auntie's husband has some drunken violence history. It's been two months ago the first time he was stabbed in the province. He then left the province and moved to a new place, but due to his bad behavior when drunk, he seemed still always getting into trouble. He often put his life in danger, and this time he didn't get away from it. All I can do to help is pray, and I hope he is happy whenever he is. That's life! If you don't know how to care of yourself, then you'd end up lifeless in the end.

Sometimes I think that we don't die just because of God's well. I believe we're the one to make our destiny, not God. So I think when you behave violently, dying early from crime is ourselves to blame. It is our fault! Of course, the exception are the young children with illness, and it makes me sad when they have to die. But old people die because it is their time, and violent people die because of their behavior.

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