Saturday, November 26, 2016

Scared of height

I remember I was never scared of height when I was a little younger. I could climb coconut trees up to the top of the tree without problems. But I don't understand why I'm so scared now of high rides. I've always been scared of roller-coaster and other rides that are similar to roller-coaster. That's one of my weakness, and nobody can break that ever.

In Singapore, when I got myself into the cable car and ride in it twice, it was fine, because it wasn't really moving so fast. But I couldn't help myself not to worry, thinking I might end up dead if the cable breaks and the cabin falls down. There were negative random things in my mind that time. But I survived. So I think, I have no problem riding a cable car as long as the floor is not glass. Just not the roller-coaster!

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