Thursday, November 24, 2016

Second semester routine

What a tiring day for me!

I had a long day class today. It started around 7:30am and ended not before 4:00pm. I feel like I am not yet ready for such long days of school. Maybe it is because I have been away from school for a while. But I will probably get use to the same routine I had from the first semester. Tomorrow I only have one class in the afternoon for (3) hours which is okay. And when Friday come, it will be my free day from school.

My schedule is not as hectic as before. The only day I have full load of subjects is Wednesday and Monday. I am not complaining about anything, I am more of comparing and making myself get use to my second semester schedules. Next time I know when to come to school and when I can be absent. I have to be more responsible, for the sake of my studies. I don't like the idea of me being behind all subjects. I know better next time!

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