Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Bonifacio Day

Nov 30: Today is Andres Bonifacio's Day! This means it is holiday, and students don't need to go to school. It is nice that I can sleep longer, and I can do a lot of things, such as cleaning my room and do my homework. And it seems like it wont rain today, hence I can wash my plenty dirty clothes. If it stays sunny, I can dry my clothes in the sun.

Andres Bonifacio is a Filipino national hero who fought against the Spanish rule, and became president of the Filipino revolutionary government. November 30th is his birthday. This was long ago, in the 1890th.

Holiday is just good, it makes so many students happy and I am one of those students. I remember when I was in elementary and high school, I and my classmates couldn't help ourselves not to jump and shout for joy whenever a holiday was announced. We love school, but we love holidays even more. That's the impact of holidays to us students. Happy Bonifacio's Day to all Pilipino!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Scared of height

I remember I was never scared of height when I was a little younger. I could climb coconut trees up to the top of the tree without problems. But I don't understand why I'm so scared now of high rides. I've always been scared of roller-coaster and other rides that are similar to roller-coaster. That's one of my weakness, and nobody can break that ever.

In Singapore, when I got myself into the cable car and ride in it twice, it was fine, because it wasn't really moving so fast. But I couldn't help myself not to worry, thinking I might end up dead if the cable breaks and the cabin falls down. There were negative random things in my mind that time. But I survived. So I think, I have no problem riding a cable car as long as the floor is not glass. Just not the roller-coaster!

Singapore trains

I think every country has some kind of railway transportation (trains, metro, MRT or LRT). Since it is the easiest way of travelling, mostly for work commuters. But every country has different standards for trains and train stations when it comes to punctuality, speed, and cleaningness.

Here in the Philippines, train do exist. I once traveled by train with my cousin. And I saw how the train looked like here. It is really different than the Singapore trains in the MRT. Singapore has wide train stations,  comfortable seats, and it is not crowded. It is also the cheapest way to travel. Really, trains in Singapore are so much better than the train here in the Philippines. Everything in Singapore amazed me, such a beautiful country.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Reactions about my recent travel

People around me and people who know me think I'm so cool, because I have been outside my home country already. I didn't even mentioned to them that I was going to travel. They just knew it through Facebook posts. I didn't tell anybody except for my family and relatives.

For Filipinos from the province, it is difficult to travel outside the country. Some people in my home town who heard the story that I went to Singapore and Indonesia don't really believe that I did. They cannot imagine it is true. Well, I don't care what they believe, since I'm not talking to them about my experiences. They get it from hearsay. I don't think I have to prove them anything. Being able to travel other countries is not something to brag about.

But I can say, I am proud of myself that I've done it. It was an extraordinary experience. Thanks to the person who helped me to do it!

Memory problem

Have you ever tried finding something that is important to you, and after you spent so much time looking for that thing, you get desperate because you couldn't find it. That's what I feel right now. I have been looking for my other SIM card since yesterday, but I cannot find it anywhere. That SIM card is really important, because my brother gave it to me. I considered it as my replacement Mobile Internet SIM card.

I wonder where did I put it. I just can't remember. I even searched everywhere in my room. Losing it is such a big deal to me, as I don't like buying new SIM cards all the time. I don't think  it is even cool to have so many SIM cards these days. It's gonna be confusing. I am frustrated for not having it right now.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Two days ago, I found out that my auntie's husband passed away. He was stabbed when he was drunk, and the killer got away. I wouldn't knew about this if there wasn't a post of my cousin in Facebook about this.

My auntie's husband has some drunken violence history. It's been two months ago the first time he was stabbed in the province. He then left the province and moved to a new place, but due to his bad behavior when drunk, he seemed still always getting into trouble. He often put his life in danger, and this time he didn't get away from it. All I can do to help is pray, and I hope he is happy whenever he is. That's life! If you don't know how to care of yourself, then you'd end up lifeless in the end.

Sometimes I think that we don't die just because of God's well. I believe we're the one to make our destiny, not God. So I think when you behave violently, dying early from crime is ourselves to blame. It is our fault! Of course, the exception are the young children with illness, and it makes me sad when they have to die. But old people die because it is their time, and violent people die because of their behavior.

Second semester routine

What a tiring day for me!

I had a long day class today. It started around 7:30am and ended not before 4:00pm. I feel like I am not yet ready for such long days of school. Maybe it is because I have been away from school for a while. But I will probably get use to the same routine I had from the first semester. Tomorrow I only have one class in the afternoon for (3) hours which is okay. And when Friday come, it will be my free day from school.

My schedule is not as hectic as before. The only day I have full load of subjects is Wednesday and Monday. I am not complaining about anything, I am more of comparing and making myself get use to my second semester schedules. Next time I know when to come to school and when I can be absent. I have to be more responsible, for the sake of my studies. I don't like the idea of me being behind all subjects. I know better next time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


At my hometown, there is this place called Canhugas which is very popular for outing. I had been to this place twice. My first time visiting Canhugas was way back in 2015. I was there again last Sunday. Compared to last year, the place has become more visible to everybody here in Hernani on Samar. I remember it wasn't that popular back then. In fact the first time I was there, it didn't had many people around. I could count the number of visitors that came that time including my group. I am surprised that it is becoming the center of attraction in my town nowadays. This year, I was shocked to see that so many people have visited the place just on one day. It is a nice place. I just hope it stays that way.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My cousin's school

I found out that my cousin didn't have her semester break. They have been told that they won't be having a semester break this time, since they started their classes very late in the previous semester. She is kind of disappointed, because ever since the classes had started she anticipated her semester break. Now she is a bit insecure for having no break, while I did already take mine.

I even thought they would have semester break for two weeks this time. That's what I know. It is only just this time that their school did not take vacation. That's unfair for them, as most schools do have semester break already while they have to continue going to school with no break. School should be fair, and should let their students have semester break like the other schools, because studying without breaks is not healthy.

Singapore Part1

Finally, I saw Singapore! I am thankful for that! I came to see and explore the country. I saw and experienced things that I have never done here, which don't exist here in the Philippines. Everything my eyes saw was pretty amazing. They have a very nice and easy to use MRT (underground railway). Compared to the Philippines, they drive on the other side of the street, but they drive orderly and not messy and loud as here on Philippines' street. The cleanliness of Singapore makes me wish that my country would become as clean as Singapore, even though I know that will never happen.

I thought the city part called Little India might be dirtier, since people that live there are all Indians. But it was not that dirty at all. Baclaran is worsen triple times. There were also places where you could buy cheap souvenirs. In the city part called Chinatown, all you have to do is to bargain with the vendors, so that in the end you will get the items cheaper. But I am not as good as others when it comes to bargaining. Sad but it's true. Still I managed to buy a couple of pasalubongs and tshirt for myself. Avoid the souvenir shops at the big attractions such as Gardens of the Bay or Universal Studios, because you get the same items for half the price in Chinatown.

My first international trip

My first time traveling outside the Philippines was kind of difficult. I know, people from USA or Europe have no problems traveling, as long as the passport is valid, it is very easy. Not so for Filipinos. In order to go abroad, we have to go through a lengthy interview with a Filipino emigration officer at the airport. I have never done that before, hence I was nervous. I was asked random questions, such as where I am going, when I am returning, and how I finance my travel. But I'm glad I found a good answer for all questions. They let me out after all.

After I passed this Filipino burocracy, it was easy. The Singapore immigration was quick and easy, thanks to a friendly officer. Similar the immigration in Indonesia! The only problem when traveling overseas is the emigration process here in Philippines. They won't let you go easily, and they are not friendly at all.

I mastered it successfully, but I wonder about the others travelers that I saw in similar emigration interviews and that wanted to visit other countries too. Did they made it? It might be hard or easy for them. Some looked a bit desperate! Well unless you are very rich, then that would be quick for you.

Once you are on the other country, interviews is not really necessary. One or two basic questions such as "is it your first time in Singapore?" and then they'll stamp your passport. Then you are good to go as their tourist.

Vacaction is over - Slow school start

My vacation was too long. After my travel, I spend still a few days with my cousins. I've been away from school for a bit more than a week now, It feels like I made a huge mistake for not returning to school directly after the travel. I hate skipping classes. It makes me worried and think that maybe I am no longer welcome to the class. But I know that is not true. It is only my crazy mind that says that. When I am then finally back in school, my doubts go away and things go back to normal again.

My classmates are waiting for my return. I get many questions from them every day. Hence, I guess they miss me being around. LOL!  I wonder how many classes I've missed already? I know I don't have to worry but I can't help myself not to be. I just hope my instructors are nice then all would be good.