Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Crazy world, crazy people

Sometimes it's better to be alone than to be around with  fake people. That's why I've always been careful when choosing who I be friends with and that the reasons I don't have a lot of friends. I am a picky person when it comes to choosing friends. The reason why I don't trust people easily is that 3 years ago I've met a girl who I thought was a real friend but to realized she only used me. There were things that happened back then that caused me not to trust people easily now. I cannot tell the worl why because it was way too personal. But,I'm just saying: be careful who you choose as a friend, who you hangout with and talk with. Some people are good in hiding their true colors, you will not really know what they are up to until you have known them long enough and sometimes enough for them to turn into a sneak.  We must know that we are living in this crazy world where best friends become enemies, strangers become best friends, sometimes cousins become lovers and so are these backstabbers that you once called your "best friends turned into.

Adopted Cat

Today I woke up with a cat sleeping beside me. If I remember well, when falling asleep, there was no cat or even a cat sound. I think she came from my neighbor apartment and sneaked in to my place through the back door. This cat is just so skinny. My neighbor is also skinny like the cat, therefore I think they belong together. I think it's because her boss has no money to buy enough food for herself and for this poor cat.

I'm not an animal lover but when I look at the cat, it looked so hungry so I feed her with the leftover food I found in the fridge. But the bad thing is: she didn't eat the food I gave to her. Picky cat! Until now she's still here. I think she want to move in here at my place. Not a big deal to me, as long as she don't intend to scratch me it is all good. I will even feed her food. As long as she behaves well and is not going to steal food and is not going to poop inside, I will keep her..

Monday, November 16, 2015


My prayers and sympathy for the people of Paris France, specially to those who have been hurt badly and to those who have lost their love ones because of that shocking and unbelievable explosions and attacks. I do wonder why these attackers does such horrible thing.

Was it money? Some people make tons of money because of their bad doing, they kill people for money, they would plant explosives for money and wouldn't even care how much people they would kill. All just because of money!

Was is beliefs? Some people don't accept that other people have different believes, and not every country has a free choice of religion. Some wicked people think they need to kill others who believe different, but I think this is wrong. Countries with freedom are better than countries where people get oppressed and are not free to speak up for what they believe.

I know there are disasters in every country, natural disasters, but when human beings create such a disaster, this is sad. I just hope those attackers will stop their evil doing and realize that doing bad to others will fire back to them. Karma is a bitch!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Family sides

If I had to choose which side of my family I would like to be, I'd immediately say I'm choosing my mother's side. The reason why? Because my mother's side has real people, not fake people, not greedy but great people with a sense of humor. People from my mother's side have never been so selfish and do care about us, I love how my cousins treated me when I was there with them and so are my aunts and uncles from my mom's side ... just very different from how I experience family on my father's side ...

Some family members from my dad's side behaved bad to me, and they are greedy human beings. Yes, they are all successful people and have businesses but with their selfishness I don't even want to be near in any of them. How could they ignored my dad's suffering, how could they not bother to ask if we he had survived from the devastating typhoon. That's not how real relatives would ever acted!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Shut up!

Sometimes some people can be so annoying! My own uncle is an example: he pisses the hell out of me when he told me inappropriate words that I didn't even want to hear ... I don't want to be unrespectful to him because he was my father's brother but he called me on the phone just to accuse me wrongly and judge my style of living. For what? This is my life and not his life! And at least he should get the facts right, but it seems he is too narrowminded for that.

I don't even considered him as my uncle nor my dad's brother because he didn't even care about my father ever. Not even after the typhoon yolanda hit us! He didn't call, he didn't care whether we are ok or not. We almost died and needed shelters but there were no uncle or sister to help us. Therefore, as I've said, he doesn't needs to act like he feeds us or that he has the right to judge me all the way without really knowing what exactly I do. He never acted like a family member to me or to my brothers, so why bother me now after ignoring us for like forever ... Grrrrr!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Grandparents' village

I remember my grandparents' life as quite simple but fun, in a small village with just 2 or at most 3 faucets placed in the whole village. Those faucets were only used for drinking water while they have a river for everyone to do their laundry. It's a short walk to the river, but if you were too lazy for the walk, you had to use the well and fetch water from there in order to wash your dirty clothes in front of the house. That was still tiring, but that's what I did. I was lucky that my grandparents had their own well next to their house.

All the houses in my grandparents' village were almost the same sizes, unlike in my father's hometown where there were lots of tiny and huge houses . My father's house is similar to my grandparent's house: small and made from wood, very similar. But if I had to decide whether to live in Hernani (my father's town) or in Las Navas (grandparents' town), my vote would probably go to Hernani because it's way better than Las Navas in all aspects. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Province and voting

I said in one of my previous posts that it was ok even though, in my father's hometown, I didn't get the requirements needed for my passport, including my voters certification. But I cannot stop thinking why they could not have owned a printer in the commission on election office. The election is coming soon, in 2016. Seriously, it's just shameful to the mayor of Hernani. He should be eliminated in this coming election if he cannot organize even the most basic things. From what I heard, he is just useless, selfish and corrupt. Unfortunately, corruption is a big problem here in the Philippines.

There was so much money collected for Yolanda victims. Do you think that money reached the victims? I doubt it. Lots of money disappears in dark pockets of politicians. That major could at least donate a printer to the comelec office so that the people can get easily what they need from the comelec office. Sigh! Too many people disliked and keep disliking him because nothing is well organized in the town. I just hope he doesn't get enough votes on this coming elections so that he gets kicked from his throne and makes space for a better candidate.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How to become famous in facebook!

Tips on how to get 1000 likes in facebook.

1. Make sure you got a bunch of friends and followers on facebook.

2. Be nice to your facebook friends and followers so they will always like your post.

3. Take seductive pictures and show some skin.

4. Keep your photos public so that even your stalkers who aren't in your friend list will able to like your pictures.

5. Keep your pictures for days and wait for the results of likes.

and finally the most important:

6. Go to a doctor and get your brain checked! Craving desperately for 1000 likes on facebook is a paranoid addiction that doctors must treat. Hahaha!



I took a week vacation for an important matter: to gather all the documents needed for my passport. But I failed to get some documents in my father's hometown. From the passport viewpoint, it was a waste of money to go there, but from a personal viewpoint, of course it was worth it because I got to see my family. The saying is true "money can't buy us happiness", but to have enough money to travel to my family still made me happy. It could be considered useless that I didn't get the things I wanted to get there but worthy that I was there with my loved ones.

In my father's town, I tried to get my voter's certificate. It just sucks that they didn't have a printer in their office. I do wonder how they handle all voters if they don't own one. Well, shit happens, and I left then disappointed. I didn't get the documents I needed in my father hometown, but at least I did get the most important passport requirement documents in my grandparents' hometown. I hope I am ok now for getting a passport ...

Monday, November 9, 2015

Slow blogger - slow brain

I just miss writing blogs. It's been a while since the last time I wrote on my blog. The reason why I had to take a break writing was because I am out of stories to tell. That is one of my problems: that I have a small brain and don't remember what I wanted to write. I have no one to blame ... lol ... No matter how I've tried to expand my knowledge in writing, I always failed to take notes about what I wanted to write. And when I am writing, I get easily distracted, either by noises or when someone is watching me while I am writing. I always end up with losing my ideas. That's how I am! My brain is so small I cannot even memorize a short paragraph. I'm not saying I'm dumb, just my memory sucks! Even sometimes I have a lot of ideas in my mind to write in a blog after I got distracted it's all gone ...

Sunday, November 8, 2015


No words can describe how much happy I am and thankful at the same time that I was able to visit my province and be with my families and friends. I am so thankful that I've seen my father and brother again after the previous visit I made 5 months ago, and to be able to hangout with my brothers, cousins and friends. It was really great to be around with everyone during my visit. We shared a lot of fun and laughter even though I was there only for a short while, only couple days of joy. I got to take photos with my brothers. I keep those photos in my phone gallery.

I'll tell you why I am happy that my brothers let me take pictures of them: Normally, they never wanted anyone, even me, to take photos of them because they were too shy to be in front of camera. That may sound weird but that's why it was hard for me to get souvenir photos of them to bring back with me. Now I have each of my brothers photos. I do look at those when I feel like miss them. Everything is just so perfect right now that I have my mom, my dad and my brothers even though they're far away from me. I'm still grateful to be able to see them once in awhile ...