Friday, February 19, 2016

Past and Future

Don't let the person who hurt you keep you away from the person who can love you. I know it's scary to believe that someone can still be in love with your scars but they actually can. I know it's hard to open yourself up and risk getting hurt again but at some point, you have to stop running away from love so you can experience one of the greatest feelings on earth one day. Listen, you can't do anything about what you been through and who you have been through it with. Learn from your past but don't allow your past to work its way into your future and cause you to miss out on someone great. You were made to be loved! You were not made to keep yourself emotionally closed off from the rest of the world. Put the pain down so you can pick up something better to believe in again. Let today be the day that you finally release yourself from the shackles of your past. It's time to start believing in love again. Know why? Because it's month of love!

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