Monday, February 22, 2016


Common friends are with us only if they want something or to hangout. Friends are fun to be around. But Friends won't take care of you when your really really sick. I always think of my friends and I always ask are they okay? I always think of family too! Family usually cares more about you than friends.

Friends who wait for you are true. Friends who don't wait they don't care. Stick with your friends you can trust and believe because some of the friends that you may think they are your friend they may not be actually your friend. They start to talk about you. And make up rumours to start dramas. Friends who you think are friends will tell your mom or dad if you did something wrong to get you in trouble. True friends wont tell bad about you; they will keep all secrets inside them. True friends wont take money from you they will ask first.
True friends will take care of you like a sister. Maybe we don't know why bad things happen to us but our friends would understand and wait. Our friends who we barely know and may not even talk to do not know what your going through. Our friends who we are just meeting wouldn't understand at all.

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