Monday, February 29, 2016

Popular people

Among these popular people who would you stand for?

1. Vice Ganda who's a comedian, got famous by being  a freak, by judging others, by making fun of other people looks. Many of us thinks he is really good at it when oftentimes he gets someone offended by his jokes. Would you stand for him against Pacquiao who have done many things compared to Vice Ganda who have done nothing to our country.         

2. Boy Abunda who's also a famous television host. Who thinks of himself as a god must be because of his position in ABS-CBN. I think he's pretty useless. I haven't heard about him helping any people even though he could. So would you still stand  for him???                   

3. Aiza Seguerra who's also famous in the country by being a singer who's also against the opinion of Manny Pacquiao. She gone mad to Pacquiao's opinion without even hearing what he had really said. Well she has done nothing just like the rest. I don't know if you would still want to stand for her against Pacquiao.          

Manny Pacquiao only said his opinion about same-sex marriages but I don't understand why people judge him so easily by just one mistake he made (if it's really a mistake, that depends on your own opinion). I hope this controversy will not affect his candidacy. Mistakes here or there, overall Pacquiao is the best for our country and I stand for him.

Gift passes and tickets

So yesterday I had these Sodexo premium passes worth PHP 1500, and PHP 1000 worth of Jollibee tickets and 5 cinema movie cards. It was my first time to received gifts like those. So yesterday I asked a longtime friend of mine to accompany me to SM mall, I treated her to watch the DeadPool movie with me, and we ate in Jollibee. Those gift tickets went well. I was amazed! So after movie and eating, we headed to the hypermarket to try the Sodexo Premium Pass. First I asked the costumer service if those passes would work to make sure it wouldn't bring me in trouble if ever. So we went inside the hypermarket and shopped for foods, etc and consumed all the PHP 1500. At the counter, when paying with the pass, I was kind of nervous even though I already knew at the beginning it would work. And guess what? I worked like a charm, and I was able to buy all groceries without spending any cash money. That's how I learned how to use those tickets and passes. LOL!

Saturday, February 27, 2016


I admired Ryan Reynolds since the day I found out about him existing on the planet. No ... I mean when I watched blade Trinity for the first time and he was one of those casts in the movie. He was already a sexy beast, since then I tried to search movies where he was the star of the movie. I watched Green Lantern, Xmen Origins and Selfless and now Deadpool. I tell you Deadpool is the funniest and the badass movie I ever watched of him. It was funny plus the fact that he is sexy you might don't want to miss the movie. To those who haven't watched the movie please check it out. You'll love it! I would say the screening wasn't really long, it was kinda short movie for me but I was happy that I was able to watch it. Well for me it was short but to others maybe not. I hope there will be part 2 of the movie next year. 

Forgive and forget

Too many people now are against Manny Pacquiao because of a TV interview that went bad. Why. though, us Filipinos turned our back easily to someone who made our country a champion and the best for a very long time now. When Manny and his family were criticized and being bullied nobody heard them complaints about it; when so many of us laughed and made fun of their looks they didn't say anything about it at all. Manny Pacquiao is just a human being who made mistakes why, though, us keeping on hitting on him? Look he admitted his mistakes and even apologized so why a lot of us are still against him?

Come on guys! Stop criticising our champ! In fact he only said what were written on the Bible so why don't you all forget about it. Manny is a kind person, a very generous human being who did his very best for our country and by just one mistake, he will be the talk of us all? Move on everyone!! We all make mistakes, simply because we are just human beings, not god! 

Monday, February 22, 2016


Common friends are with us only if they want something or to hangout. Friends are fun to be around. But Friends won't take care of you when your really really sick. I always think of my friends and I always ask are they okay? I always think of family too! Family usually cares more about you than friends.

Friends who wait for you are true. Friends who don't wait they don't care. Stick with your friends you can trust and believe because some of the friends that you may think they are your friend they may not be actually your friend. They start to talk about you. And make up rumours to start dramas. Friends who you think are friends will tell your mom or dad if you did something wrong to get you in trouble. True friends wont tell bad about you; they will keep all secrets inside them. True friends wont take money from you they will ask first.
True friends will take care of you like a sister. Maybe we don't know why bad things happen to us but our friends would understand and wait. Our friends who we barely know and may not even talk to do not know what your going through. Our friends who we are just meeting wouldn't understand at all.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Expect Less

People these days expect so much in life and they dont realize how that can affect people. They are not practical. I can't expect that I can go meet and have fun with friends when I am the one not looking good. We girls need to be always beautiful and pretty, we girls need to take care of our skin, we girls need be alway neat and clean. And if you guys have a man in your life don't expect the guys will do things you would want them to do. Guys are men but, some guys are so childish. Even us girls can be childish too. We all have to be practical. And we can't be relying on people to give us stuff, we can't be relying on people to give us money. Our family isn't gonna be with us as we get older. We all need to be more matured and responsible.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Past and Future

Don't let the person who hurt you keep you away from the person who can love you. I know it's scary to believe that someone can still be in love with your scars but they actually can. I know it's hard to open yourself up and risk getting hurt again but at some point, you have to stop running away from love so you can experience one of the greatest feelings on earth one day. Listen, you can't do anything about what you been through and who you have been through it with. Learn from your past but don't allow your past to work its way into your future and cause you to miss out on someone great. You were made to be loved! You were not made to keep yourself emotionally closed off from the rest of the world. Put the pain down so you can pick up something better to believe in again. Let today be the day that you finally release yourself from the shackles of your past. It's time to start believing in love again. Know why? Because it's month of love!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tips to move on

A lost love hurts, and sometimes the relationship to somebody did hurt already before the love was lost. The pain needs time to heal, but eventually it is time to move on. Here are my tips in this situation:

First: get rid of everything what reminds you of that person, no matter what are those, no matter how valuable to you that thing is you need to get rid of it at once and never pick them back.

Second: delete that person to any of your social media accounts that you two are still friends with. Block that person from Facebook, delete that person number to avoid receiving text. That are also ways to forget that person easily.

Third: once you have that person's number deleted already, do not think of texting that person again just because you still memorized that person's number. Later on you'll forget that person.

Fourth: do not think of unblocking that person from your facebook account just because you miss that person. Do not stalk that person at all. For sure weeks to months up to a year that person memories will fade away

Honestly, sometimes it's hard to forget someone you have loved for a long time. But if that person wasn't not worth your love then don't be stupid loving that person. Get out, get rid of that crap! Don't cry and let that person occupy your mind! You would only suffer.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Be responsible

When someone you know borrow your things you are expecting for that person to return it back to you without damages. Just like clothes you can borrow it from a friend but you can never wear it twice because you only borrowed it, you're inclined to return it after you wore it. But some people don't know the words return. They'd use the stuff until it gets broken.

It pisses me off everytime I let someone borrow one of my favorite stuff and will handed it back to me with damages. Sometimes I felt like I don't want any of my things to be using by any of my friends. But it's hard to say no you can't use that or this because you don't know how to used it properly and I don't want a broken stuff in return. It just that I cannot say those words because I don't want any of them to be offended and either don't want to hear them say anything like I'm selfish.

Sunday, February 14, 2016


It funny how I ended up with scratches on my back and neck. I was like, have I gone mad, did a cat got inside my apartment and scratched me while I'm asleep? Or it's just me that does it while I was asleep? Hmmmm ... My traitor hands and fingernails for sure! Today I'm going to cut my nails really short to avoid scratches. It's like that I don't want anymore of scars be adding on my skin. I have too much already. I'm not blessed with flawless skin, I have sensitive skin ever since I was little. I remembered that everytime I got home from the farm 50 percent of my body's would be itchy and end up myself scratching my skin until it became prickly and that where I get scars. How I wish I don't have sensitive skin.

No drama

I love to hang around with insensitive people they don't do dramas. They are fun and cool people. They just go on the flow with everyone. Who would want to hangout to someone that's sensitive anyway? Of course no one will ever dare to try. Unless two people are the same, then that would be OK. But to me it will always be not fine, I hate drama! I don't like any drama because I have had enough when I was little and now that I am older I keep my distance from dramatic people. People around me knows how much I avoid drama. But we all know that we can never really skip from that situation sometimes.

But if you really want to stay away with it is easy like this: Stay away from people that love dramas. It's not fun hearing drama at all. Well, to be in it once is fine but hearing dramas all of the time is no fun.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Today I woke up and not feeling good about myself, I feel sick and weak. How I hate this feeling of me being sick, not able to do anything or even go out and buy medicine because I feel cold. It's hard to get sick when you're all alone and nobody can take care of you but yourself. I haven't been sick like this for a long time but just now. I wasn't expecting this could happen to me. How sucks this is that after sore eyes, now is this fever attacking me. Good thing my eyes are a little bit better now than it was yesterday, I thank god for it. But  I'll be fully happy if I am not too sick so that I can still do other things.

Peaceful life

I just want a peaceful life with no drama, no hassle, no heartache, no worries, but an easiest way of life living. It would be fun and people will all be happy. How I wish life could be that easy, but I know it will never be like that. We all know how hard it is for us to live and do what we must have to do just to live in our way of living. I wish all people are the same, no poor, no rich, just pair. But isn't it crazy? That there are rich people living their dreams, having almost everything in life, while there are poor people suffering. Life will never be simple no matter what you do bad or good.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hard time to sleep

It's just so difficult for me to get back to sleep whenever I woke up from sleep and had to use the toilet. I've been trying to sleep at night time so I could do my thing by day time but it's just hard. I can't do it. Just like earlier I woke up after an hours of sleep and I wanted to sleep a little more so that I am awake and be able to get ready and won't be sleepy by 10am. It is the mall opening time. But it seems like I have to keep myself awake until then so that I am already in the DFA before it gets more crowded and today is Saturday the DFA open until 2pm only and it happens to be inside the mall. I know I'm not the only one having problems in switching time of sleep. Most of us do!

Movie on Valentine's Day

Single people on Valentine's Day will be much more happier than taken people. It is because Deadpool is coming out in cinemas, and even Walking Dead is back on February 14. Guess what? I am single and have probably no Valentine date but who cares I'll be watching DeadPool on that day. It would be the best date ever. I am one of billions of people that can't wait to watch Deadpool on February 14 which happens to be Valentine's Day. I bet the Deadpool movie is going to be awesome and fun. To those single people: don't be sad or worry about having no dates on Valentine's Day. We have the best gift ever on that day. Don't miss it fellas! First day of Deadpool is gonna be busy and full but I'm going to give it a try and see if it's not too crowded by then.