Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Be who you are

Good day! Today is going to be a great day ...

Why? Because I believe it will be. With no faith that today will be a great day and expect the opposite, then bad will happen for you today. Belief and faith in yourself are key to begin your day! Change your thoughts to change your day for the better! Forget everything that caused you problems. Forgive those who wronged you! Think positive for the better! Love the people that love you.

Never let anyone to put you down! Any problems can be solved, only if you're strong enough to face and solve it. Never lose hope, stay strong no matter what happens! We are here in this world to live our lives not to live in fear. Because once we are fearless nothing will hurt us. Live accordingly as you want, if you think it's good for  you then live with it. We are here to live freely not to live manipulated by someone else or controlled by anyone.

Inequalities in this country

Wherever I go, most women and men that I've seen lately are so lonely. In particular the women in my country. They walk around the planet feeling unloved because their husbands or boyfriends have replaced them with younger women. I think women in this country are lonelier than the men because the latter have more freedom, in the sense that this society doesn't have to punish those men who cheat on their wives. That is as long as he doesn't neglect providing his family financially. Men are allowed to have mistresses, while the women are presumed to behave. Although our culture permits men to cheat on their wives, it does not accord women to do the same courtesy because in this country it is not unusual for a man to have one or two mistresses, depending on how much he can afford.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Randoms Thoughts of the day.

It is not always about how you are ahead of someone. Sometimes, you just have to stay quiet and observe those people who keep on hating on you. And right there you'll see how it will shut them up. It is not always needful to degrade those kind of people just to save yourself from their unwanted judgment. When you know yourself that you are higher than them in so many ways no need to brag about it. Or when you know yourself that they are lower than you no need to futher drag them down, unless you are a little bit of a butthead, then I understand the reason why you just can't ignore those people, over pretty things, Learn to ignore! Been there, done that. Unless they hit the wrong button, that's when we should react. You don't need to respond to them in a boastful way. You respond to them in a way they would actually feel you don't care.


No matter what you do bad or good people will always complain. Some people will gossip about you, they will talk bad about you, judge you, hate you without really knowing the reason why they hates you. Sometimes they just hate you for being you. Sometimes they do it out of jealously. But seriously, we don't need to turn out to be that kind of human being. We have to be contented with what we have in life and stay away from someone else's business. Worry about ourselves instead of minding other people businesses! That's a good start away from karma!.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Wrong trust

If someone you know going to beg for you to lend her/him money because she/he needed it badly for her/his kids or sick relatives..etc. would you lend him/her?

I easily trust people, so I will definitely lend him/her specially if he/she is a good friend of mine. That's what I actually did a week ago to a friend who I thought was trusted. I lend her money because she said her daughter is sick and that she needed to bring her to the clinic for check up. I don't know her so well, but Jessa does, and I trusted Jessa's opinion. Maybe I was just being taken by my emotions when she said her daughter is sick. So I borrowed the money to her as she promised to pay me back yesterday but there were no sign of her. Until now she still is in hiding. No text, no phone calls, she never even answered my calls. I am totally dissapointed by her action. I hate being used by others! This behavior is sick!

Thoughts of the day

Oh love. Why do we love? We say nothing lasts forever, so why do we bother to pursue love? Oh I guess we just love the pain when love comes to it's end. We just love to cry over the wasted trust. We just love to throw ourselves into situations where we are always in the losing end and sometimes end up taking our own lives because can no longer take the pain. Sad but true!

Why do we love? Why do we love if all we end up into pain? Because it brings us no equal happiness. Because along with pain and sorrow, there is satisfaction and enjoyment, along with the sufferings, there is solace. We love pain because it's part of the whole package of human experience. To have blood is human, to bleed it out is more human. And so we always fall.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Everything gone too far

If you have to suspend work and classes to avoid traffic on an international summit, it features that there's something wrong with public transportation. If you have to provide a special lane for visitors, it is evidence that there's a problem in infrastructure. If you have to hide the homeless for the streets to look good there's something wrong with social welfare and housing. So Filipinos, how's the day of being slapped as a second class citizen? But who would want that anyway, nobody wants that. It hurts that we have to suffer traffic every day, but the government gives a fast lane to APEC delegates. It hurts that street lights got fixed and public cleanliness at its maximum for this conference. hurts that the manila look presentable this week, not because we filipino people deserve it but because the government wants the APEC delegates to see our fake beauty. It hurts that we are second class netizens in our own country, we all deserve manila or should I say Philippines  at it's best not only when influentials people come to visit. But what can we do to questioned them anyway if they are above us in all level.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Life is so unfair

Sometimes life is a b!+€#

No matter how hard we try, we keep running into dead ends. Or banging our head against a wall or failing to fullfill or do the things that we want to do.

We have great plans, amazing ideas but we can't just seems to begin them. Maybe we have constant money problems, difficulties with relationships, family problems, or emotions that drain our energy and enthusiasm.

We look around and see other people succeeding and living exciting lives. It all seems like smooth sailing for them. While the rest of us are struggling to achieve the good life we want. Sometimes we work too well, too much just to reach our dreams. But Sometimes all efforts and hardwork are still not enough to achieve what we want in life, Sometimes we are just unlucky to expercience the good life... Sigh.. Life is so cruel and unfair sometimes!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Have you ever thought why we even bother to celebrate birthdays? When you think about it, they are really just an opportunity for your friends and family to come together congratulate you for surviving another year. But for some reason it's become far more than that.

Sometimes we bother to celebrate birthdays just to feel how special and lucky we truly are and thankful at the same time for surviving another year. There are plenty of reason why we celebrate birthdays, sometimes we just want to have fun with friends and family and to meet new friends that later could become family. Sometimes we celebrate for being blessed with great things in life, with the achievement we have accomplished. We have a lot to be thankful for. Never fails to thank God for all his blessings and for letting you survive another year of  existence.

Friends house

I've been to Subic yesterday to visit my friend Jessa and to see their new home. I'm quite impressed with their new home: the house has three huge rooms, and 3 bathrooms with dining room and living room suited to them since they are one big family. The house was owned by an engineer from Subic who relocated to Cebu City. The place looked kind of old and a bit scary because nobody lived there for so long. In fact the place was abondoned for years until Jessa's family finished the 2 years contract of their old home and found this place.

Now the place is pawned to her family for PhP 500.000 with 2 years of contract. It's up to them if they'll renew the contract for another year of  contract until they find a new home or either build one. Well, for sure by then they can have their own home, I hope. It won't be difficult to them since Jessa's sister has a stable job plus the husband could help too. I wish all  the best for them!


That feeling when you can't stop thinking and asking "why that certain thing happened?" Is that a sign to stop because it's not meant for you and look for other options? Or continue to hope and do something to achieve the things you want to pursue ...

One thing is for sure: never stop to pray! All the things happening to our lives have a purpose! Just keep believing in God! He has a great plans for you. Remember that God is watching us, he is always on time when you need him the most. As long as you believe in him he won't fail you. He'll serve you as much as you are to him.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


I am just a girl with a normal life, or should I say a grownup sister to her 3 youngest siblings, a daughter to her mom and dad, as well as a cousin to her bunch of cousins, a friend and a granddaughter to her grandparents. My life was never been perfect, neither been easy. I have been through a lot of ups and downs of my 22 years of live. There were times when I thought I wouldn't make it until 22 years living in this world. There were times when I wanted to end my life because of too much depression. There were also times that I've been broken-hearted. I felt in love with someone I thought was a worthy loving person but I was wrong because he wasn't. I've been used by others who I thought were real friends. At the end I realize that those ups and downs were only trials. Now I am learning somehow.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Traffic caused by APEC

19 Nov: Yesterday, thousands walked 4 kilometers to work, in over an hour, due to APEC road closure. Some walked to avoid being stuck in the traffic just like one of my friends. She just got home around 2am from Pasay where the traffic was terrible until EDSA. She told me she walked around Pasay for about an hour into the bus terminal where she could take a ride on the way home. She left for Pasay around 6pm and just got home by 2am. That's was really a terrible experience she ever had in her life about traffic. Even the richest people who were stuck in the traffic had to came out of their vehicles because of the mentioned traffic. My friend said they even walked their ass off just to get to where they wanted to go. Many were angry and shouted around, many were annoyed by this situation caused by APEC. How lucky I am that I did not travel yesterday. I am somehow thankful of being not one of those who were stuck in that traffic caused by APEC.

Life choices

If I had to choose where I would live, I'd say in a simple place where there's no hassle living, with fresh air, fresh vegetables coming from the farm, where people ain't fake, simple life, with no SM malls, just all about a small village together with family. I think I am oneday ready to just live there. I am just getting tired of everything and my friends aren't always with me anymore so why be here in this city, I'm just wasting everything and my time in this place. I'd rather be around with my relatives than to be bored here. Or maybe a job will help me ease my boredom. A housemaid job is not bad for me as I've done that before when I was 15 years old and worked in one of my dad's sister's house. It was kind of difficult but I survived when I was younger. I'm not interested in working as a sales lady; I don't know why but I don't like it.


I watched the movie Troy earlier and "Wow" the movie was great. It is an older movie, it was filmed 11 years ago but I just founded it. I love adventure movies that's why the movie Troy was really a perfect one for me. If you haven't watched it you gotta have to check it out. The movie screening was 3 hours or so, pretty long, but you're going to be contented with it for sure. I started idolizing Brad Pitt since I watched the movie Mr & Mrs Smith, and now I like him more because of that movie Troy. I also like Orlando Bloom and Eric Bana: they are really great actors and they fit to the movie Troy. But I felt bad because Prince Hector and Achilles died at the end of the movie where the only prince that survived was Paris. I just wished Achilles and Prince Hector did not die. How sad!