Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wise planned

Lately I have been addicted to watch videos about different kind of art and oil painting. I can't wait to try a realistic drawing once my drawing pencils arrived from US. I  will focus on practicing how to draw using pencils. I believe that I could easily increase my ability to draw. The good thing about pencil drawings is that it is not so expensive if you prefer to buy the cheap art supplies. For the beginner who doesn't have enough money to buy art supplies, starting with oil painting would be too expensive. I want to try oil painting one day, but better I first focus on pencils art. Good luck to all that can draw! ;)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Brain problem

People who are good at mathematics are lucky because they can easily solve any kinds of mathematical problem. I wish I am good at it also. Maybe when I keep trying and keep studying about math I might able to solve mathematics easily one day. But today it is still very hard for me!

Be contented

Some women who have dark skin want to get white while women with white skin want to get dark. It's funny; we should be happy with what we are and what color of skin we have. Be proud and be who you are! Do not intend to change yourself!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Bad habit

Based to what I have heard and seen in the news most people who are in trouble or in a huge problem used drugs to forget their problems. They think using drugs is helpful when they are in troubles or facing problems when in fact it isn't and will never be helpful. Based to what I've seen and heard through news some people who used drugs will never be the same again once they keep on using drugs. Drugs is drugs once you are on it you'll be worse and you could be addicted to it until you'll ruin your life. In the end you're nothing but one of those who live in dark. Side effect of drugs can lead you to darkness. You might kill somebody, be a thief for money in order to buy drugs or worse. All that is possible to happen to you once you don't stop what you're doing. Stop or never go for it just for the sake of your life and don't let problems drag you to be a bad person. I'm sure we can get over all problems without drugs, no matter how big the problems appear.


I do wonder why I keep on losing hair? Does low blood could cause hair-loss? I felt dizzy very often but I didn't think this could be the reason why I keep losing hair. I am worried that later I might end up being bald like the picture here and I don't want it to happen to me. I love having healthy hair. I have been thinking of going to a doctor for a check up but I'm scared about what could be the result why I keep on losing hair. I just hope I could stop this happening to me.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Birthday and Friendship

 Last week, it was late at night of 08/06/15, my girl friend had her birthday celebration somewhere close to our home. She invited me as well as some of our close friends. I remember how it happened easily we were lying down in bed facebooking and about to sleep, when Jessa (the friend of mine having birthday) suddenly changed her mind and told us to get dressed because we are going to celebrate her birthday that late night. I was like "really? are you sure?" and she answered "yes let's go! Hurry!"

Well the party was fun. I wasn't expecting it to be that fun. It's funny and kinda awkward at the same time because I asked her whether it is ok to go without gift? She answered "yes that's fine with me, but if you are willing to give me a gift then I'll just wait for it and accept it even it's late". I smiled while looking at her and told her "yes, I have a gift for you" and then she hugged me and told me "I don't mind even if you don't have gift for me. I'm happy and blessed to have you as my good friend." I was touched and teary eyed. I'm lucky to have her as my friend!

And now, you, dear reader, wonder whether I really had a gift for her and what was it! But that's my secret ... ☻☻☻

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


I watched the news yesterday about typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda that happened 2 years ago. The news was all about the donations the Philippines had collected. I was so shocked how huge the amount of money is that government had collected, yet nothing has improved. People who have been affected by the typhoon are still in the same situation: no home. Even in my own hometown we have been told that there is money that will be given to every family who lost their home ... but ... until now ... nothing ... !

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


When it comes to talent I must say I have a talent and that is art. I can draw well when I am into it. My dad taught me how to draw simple and easy drawing like flowers and trees when I was little. I think that's when I started to be interested in drawing and art.

Who would have thought a man like my father who didn't go to school in his entire life knew how to draw and even more, knew how to teach others, in particular myself, how to draw. Now that I am grown up I have this talent in me, I feel so blessed and happy when I draw something. It reminds me of my dad. I believe we all do have talents. All we have to do is to find our talents in ourselves!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Missing Mom

I have my mobile number for almost four years now. The only reason why I don't change my number is because of my mom. I hope one day she call me or even just text me so I can talk to her and see her. I miss my mom so much! I hope that she's ok wherever she is. 'I love you mom' 😘


Today is Sunday and I have to do my laundry but I feel lazy to wash it right now. I'm pretty sure I am not alone being lazy right now; my mind telling me to go somewhere today instead of doing my laundry.

Age problem!

Aren't you worried having your birthday soon? Because I am. I will be turning 22 next month and I am worried about it. When I was younger I wanted to grow up so fast, now that I am an adult all I just wanted is to go back to being a kid. Why? Because being a child you do not have to worry about anything while being an adult you have to face everything. Being a kid all you have to do is play most of the time, no stressed, just happiness. While being an adult and a breadwinner at the same time is so stressful.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Just in dreams

If I had been born rich I wouldn't be writing blogs just to make some money in order for me to study. I can't imagine what I would be today or what I would be in the future if I had been born rich. If I had been born rich I wouldn't be dreaming or imagining impossible things just for myself  to experience what or how it feels being in those dreams. I could be one lucky person, only if I had been born rich.